Chapter 21: United and Intertwined

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The art above is drawn by me. Except for the fact that Cass has her teal eyes and teal hair, it's just an idea of what she wears. (I wanted to do regular Cass ^^)


Rapunzel paced and forth in front of the hospital room that was assigned to Cassandra. She had practically run most of the way to the village before she was able to call Fidella. Owl scouted the place and gave her a confirmation hoot to say it was safe. Rapunzel didn't care about that. Her only concern was to save her lover. She had cuts on her arms from running blindly in the rain - why does it always rain when something bad happens? - as well as her legs, but she didn't care. The doctor tried to get her to get checked out, but she outright refused. Repeatedly.

After Rapunzel made it to the village and got Cassandra to a hospital, most of the adrenaline faded and she realized that she didn't leave unscathed from the battle with Gothel. She had a gash on her arm as well as bruising around her midsection, but she didn't care. Cassandra was currently fighting for her life as the doctor worked hard to save her. A couple scrapes and bruises were nothing.

Once Rapunzel arrived in the village, Cassandra had stopped breathing all together. Her skin was cold to the touch and she was incredibly pale. Rapunzel thought she had lost her already and that she was too late but when she let out a quiet groan and her chest started rising, she had never been more happy. But that didn't mean Cassandra was out of the woods yet. Rapunzel must've paced outside of Cass's room more than a 100 times. Cass had been out cold for nearly four days as the doctors tried anything and everything to save her life. There was still no guarantee that she was even gonna wake up. But Rapunzel kept hope that she would. Cass was strong, really strong, she'd pull through. Right? She always did. At least, that was what Rapunzel kept telling herself.

The annoying, but well-meaning, nurses and doctors continuously tried to get her to eat and check out the small wounds she had, but she refused every time. She couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, could barely even breathe, until she knew that Cass was gonna be okay. It was then that the doctor came out of the room, his doctor attire and gloved hands covered in blood. Rapunzel rushed over to him, nearly knocking Pascal off her shoulder. Rapunzel gave Pascal an apologetic look but he gave her a 'no biggie', understanding smile. "How is she? Is she..?" Rapunzel's breath caught in her throat as she waited for the answer.

The doctor gave her a tired small and shook his head. "She's alive. She's stable." Rapunzel let go of the breath she was holding. "She came too a couple of times, asking for you."

"Why didn't you come and get me?!"

"She fell unconscious again before we could. She's stable but for how long, it is unsure. She lost a lot of blood. Now, the fact that she's still alive is a good sign. Her body will revive the blood on its own, with the help of medication that will help move that along faster, but it's going to take time. Until she can regain some energy, she's going to be weak, and possibly in a daze now and then. We have her on a serious amount of painkillers so that may add to her being dazed or in other words, out of it."

"But she's going to be okay?" Rapunzel asked, her voice hopeful.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, she's going to be just fine."

"Oh, thank goodness." Rapunzel placed a hand over her chest as she let out a long-needed deep breath. The breath she had probably been holding for the last couple of days.

"But it's vitally important that she doesn't move too much, she has enough fluids and she takes the medication as instructed."

Rapunzel nodded quickly. "Of course. I'll make sure of all of that."

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