Chapter 7: Poisoned

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Warning: blood warning! Also, I forgot to mention, Cassandra's job that she found for herself is an assassin/bounty hunter.

It had been nearly three weeks since they left Corona. And, as always, they found themselves in a predicament. "I told you we shouldn't have taken that shortcut, Cass." Rapunzel looked at her best friend with her arms crossed as she leaned against a rock.

Cassandra turned to her with a glare. "Who's the export explorer here?"

"Alright, Miss. 'Export Explorer', who's the one who got us stuck in a deep endless cave with no way out?"

Cassandra rolled her eyes. "There has to be a way out. We just got to," Cassandra looked around; hoping she could spot a way out. No luck. The seemingly endless cave was 200 feet tall and the walls were much too thick to cut or punch out of. "....find it."

"Mhm." Rapunzel responded as she pushed herself off of the rock to stand next to her frustrated best friend. She placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Looks like we have a lot of walking to do then, hm?"

Cassandra pouted as she crossed her arms. "Fine." Rapunzel giggled as she started walking forward, Cassandra following close behind.

Cassandra walked faster so she could be next to Rapunzel. "Still not admitting you were right, though." Cassandra stated.

"Never asked you too." Rapunzel looked up at her and gave her a sly smile. Cassandra rolled her eyes but gently elbowed the younger girl in the side with a smile, causing her to giggle. Both women could agree that they missed their playful banter.

They had been walking for a good hour. Or was it 20 minutes? It was unknown. But they weren't any closer to getting out. Rapunzel and Cassandra eventually walked into a clearing. Instead of narrow walls, the place was huge. It was so spaced out, the walls could not even be seen. Both the walls on the roof. Spotting the opening to the other side into another set of narrow walls, both of them started walking towards it. The faster they left this portion of the cave, the better. Cassandra didn't like the fact that she couldn't see, meaning her guard was down, and that anything could sneak up on them.

Cassandra suddenly stopped and placed a protective arm in front of Rapunzel. "Cass, what is it?" Rapunzel asked worriedly. Cass didn't respond. She couldn't explain but she felt as if something was off. The room suddenly got very cold and it was too quiet for her liking. She gazed at the dark room with her forest-green eyes, a determined look on her face. That's when she felt it.

"Raps, get down!" She yelled, pulling the younger girl to the floor with her as she laid a protective arm over her. As soon as Cassandra took them both to the ground, 4 daggers came flying through the air, right where they were just standing 2 seconds prior, and planted themselves into the wall behind them.

"Phew," Rapunzel let out a breath as Cassandra pulled them both to their feet. "That was close."

"I don't think the surprises are ending yet." Cassandra stated as she slowly backed up, arm in front of Rapunzel. Cassandra noticed the subtle movement in the darkness. "I know you're there," Cassandra shouted. "Show yourself!"

Dark laughter suddenly rang out. "You're not as stupid as you look."

"Hey, what is that supposed to- woah." Cassandra said, eyes wide as the mysterious voice showed himself. He was huge. Not as big as Zhan Tiri in her demon form, but big. He was dark blue with horns sprouting on top of his head. He was a demon.

"Oh great," She heard Rapunzel say from behind her with an exasperated sounding voice. "Can we just have an actual vacation without some demon-lord showing up?" Cassandra would have laughed at how annoyed she sounded if the situation weren't so dire.

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