2. Tamaki: 🎆

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They Notice Their Dark Thoughts

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They Notice Their Dark Thoughts

It took a fairly large time for the (h/c)-ette girl to finally open up to the two males, that seemed to constantly be around her. When the three started at U.A. high-school, Tamaki was the one that seemed the most depressed about their female friend being in a business course, rather in the hero.

When Mirio noticed his best friend being even less social then usual, it wasn't difficult for him to point out the reasoning.

I guess you could say the first year of high-school would be the year he noticed he wasn't right in the head. After not being able to see his crush for such long periods at a time, his mind began to wonder into the darker part of his mind.

"Tamaki! Come on buddy, look alive!"
The shining blonde gave him a famous smile, and the opposite male seemed to sink back further in his chair.

"... No..."
His response made his friend's smile falter, but the blue-haired teen that grew into their (school) friend group jumped into action.

"Come on, smile! School is almost out for the day. Only 2 minutes left!"
Nothing either of them said seemed strong enough to bring him out of his depressed state, that is until a certain person slammed open the door as soon as the bell rang.

The blank-faced female made a bee-line for the two students crowding around a desk. The spiky blonde was enough for her to confirm that the indigo teen was in the chair. 

Surprised by the sudden action, the blue haired female puffed out her cheeks in irritation when she was pushed to give him room. The two hadn't met formally yet, so the sudden motion of being pushed away from her crush was enough to upset her.

Her calming voice caused his pointy ears to prop up, his head soon following.  His common frown pointed up slightly and Mirio laughed in victory.

"Stop frowning, it doesn't look good on you."
A tint of blush covered his cheeks at the semi-compliment and he buried his face in her chest.

She was quick to pat his head and look back up.
"I promised to go out for dango after school today... I'll see you around, Mirio."

He nodded and grinned from ear to ear as she escorted the shy teen out of the classroom.


(Y/n) turned and chuckled at the male, who'd managed to get some dough on his cheek.

She shook her head and placed her hands on the side of his head, pulling him down so that they were face-to-face.
"Come here..."

Tamaki's face was already flushed with a dark color of red, but his eyes widened when she wiped away the crumbs of the sweet with her thumb.


She released her soft hold on him, but he remained still in shock.
'S-so cl-close..!'

Without saying anything else, she stood up and went to find a trash-can to throw away her stick.

'N-no... stay here... I need you.'

His eyes trailed her as she turned on her heel to speak with the cashier, in order to buy a drink. He examined the way the slightly-older male looked at her, and a deep pit of despair began to build right back up.

'He doesn't... have the right..'

A small burst of jealousy caused him to see red, but it quickly dissipated when she returned by his side.

I'm not in the right mood to do the Neko one.

You Won't Spend Time With Him

As the second year of school passed, Tamaki noticed how little spare time he had to spend time with his 'bunny', as he started to call her when they were alone.

It infuriated him to no end, but he knew when spring-break rolled around he would be at your side 24/7. If you knew it, or not.

The bell rung and no one had the chance to say goodbye to the violet-haired teen; seeing as he rushed out as quick as possible. With a target in mind, he darted through the halls, occasionally bumping into people.

He didn't stop until he'd made it across the school, happily waiting by the locker number she'd given him.
"Come onnn, (Y/n)! You've shot down all my other requests!"

The whiny sound of a male snapped Tamaki out of his trance, annoyance filling his veins at the thought of someone talking to (Y/n).
"And I'm shooting you down now as well."

Her response was just as monotone as her expression. The male was irritating.
"At least give me a solid reasoning! All the other times, you said you were busy. But now we're on spring break! Give me a fighting chance, please."

(Y/n) continued to ignore him, walking up to her locker and putting in the combination for the lock and turning to note her friend standing beside it.

"I'm leaving with my family to America."
Her statement caused the male's face to turn red with anger, making him groan and roll his eyes.

"When you get back, you have to go on a date with me."
His tone was no longer friendly, and the normally petrified Tamaki was tempted to kill him for even attempting to scare her.

Before he could say much more, Tamaki came out from his hiding spot and gave off his scariest look, shaking the blonde down to his core.

The male ran off into the halls and Tamaki returned back to his normal, fidgety self.
"W-were you telling the t-truth??"

(Y/n) turned to look at him before sighing and nodding.
"My father needs the family to come for the trip."

His eyes widened at tears began to sting his eyes.
"B-but.. I made p-plans..."

She frowned and the butterflies that followed her went from grey to blue.
"I'm sorry, Tamaki."

He began to pout and she grabbed her things before kissing his cheek.

"When I come back on the weekend, we can hang out."
Still sad, he pulled her into a hug, crushing her slightly.

"Bye Tamaki."

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