A/B/O Types: 💡

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For the sake of Bakugo's darling, Alpha's can mate with each other. 

Him: Alpha

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Him: Alpha

Story: Originally thought to be a beta, once Izuku got One For All, I feel like it definitely strengthened his scent. Not to mention, his full Alpha Aura was unlocked by the full power.

Scent: In my opinion, I feel like he smells like the woods. There's just a nagging feeling that it's either the woods or cinnamon. His scent is very comforting. 

You: Omega

Story: Honestly, your story is the opposite of his. Even though you're an omega, most people assume you're an alpha- unless they get close enough when you're in heat. (But that won't happen. Izuku has already ((sometimes on accident)) scented all your things.) Aside from that, this boy will bite the head off of literally anyone who decides to be stupid enough to approach your home when in heat.

Scent: Sugar, sweets, and tooth-rotting goodness.

Him: Alpha

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Him: Alpha

Story: Not much to it. This guys is 100% alpha.

Scent: Ever smelled glycerin? It's caramel. This dude smells like caramel and burnt stuff. 

You: Alpha

Story: Sometimes people who walk by think you're a beta. Your scent isn't too strong, but when in heat people within like 10 miles have to cover their nose because HOLY FUCK it's strong. What makes it worse is that (if he didn't plan ahead like he normally does) Bakugo legit attempts to overpower your scent to get the 'extras' away. I kid you not he almost goes into his rut as soon as he smells your scent. Its not every day that he can smell you so much, so he smells it- and boom- this bitch got a boner.

Scent: Strawberries, or vanilla. Don't ask. Don't really know how it came out like that.

 Don't really know how it came out like that

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Him: Alpha

Story: Yet again, not much of a story behind it.

Scent: Peppermint? (not entirely a crack at his hair color.. I love this baby so much..)


Story: I can't stress enough that Shoto's s/o in this is an omega. You are so sweet and kind and any/every alpha that walks by has their head turned at your scent. Because of this, Todoroki has you taking scent maskers the moment he gets you locked into a relationship. No matter what, he NEEDS to be near you in public. Never will he EVER let you out alone, because even with the scent maskers, your scent is so overwhelmingly good that no one would pass up on a chance to get you. If in the omegaverse, expect yandere Todoroki to be 10x as possessive than normal yandere Todoroki.

Scent: Flowers. Idk how but like, people can smell the beauty of nature on you?? Like what??

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