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Harry looks toward the elevator, the number indicating that it stopped on the top floor. Harry hunts around in his desk and finds an old keycard.

Harry gets into the elevator and uses the keycard to ascend to the private rooftop restaurant. Harry steps out on the roof, and to Harry's surprise, the restaurant is completely empty.

"It was a slow night. I had the staff clear out early," Louis informs.

Harry looks over to see Louis standing alone on the balcony, overlooking the city.

"I just like the view. Helps me think," Louis says.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

"It's fine. You can come think with me."

Harry walks over to join Louis at the railing.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asks.

Louis sighs deeply and gazes out at the city lights... And just when Harry thinks he's not going to answer; he says, "A woman."

"Is it your wife?" Harry asks deflating a bit.

"Wife? Did I tell you I had a wife?" Louis asks frowning.

"No... sorry, I just assumed you had, at some point..." Harry stutters nervously.

"I did. But that's not who I was just thinking about," Louis sighs, "I was remembering a woman who I knew... who I loved... about a hundred years ago. Her name was Celia. I was already a vampire, but she wasn't. She kept begging me to Turn her, but I refused."


"It's not something I'd wish for anyone, really. It's a lonely, ugly existence," Louis says, "You see so much death... so much pain... you lose so many people you love."

"But if you had each other?"

"You're still scorned by society. Consumed with constant hunger. Unable to so much as glimpse at a sunset."

"What happened? Celia died of old age?" Harry asks.

"No, much worse. She contacted cholera, and she was near death... and I couldn't bear to lose her."

"So... you Turned her."

"Yes. But the moment I opened her sarcophagus... I saw only the snarling face of a Feral. It was the first time I'd seen that happen up close. It was awful. Beyond awful."

"So... what did you do?" Harry asks.

"The only thing I could do. I killed her with my bare hands."

"That's... traumatizing."

"I had to, Harry. There's no other choice with a Feral," Louis frowns.

"No, I get it."

"But it was the tipping point for me. I'd made quite a fortune by then through my trading company, but it was wealth for wealth's sake. Decadence... Indulgence... Every vice you can imagine," Louis says.

"I can imagine."

"Trust me. There were things even I couldn't fathom before I experienced them. But Celia was better. She'd wanted a better, kinder world. One where people like me used our means to help others, not just indulge ourselves. After Celia died... I decided that indulgent phase of my life was over. I needed to do some good with my immortality. So I started a company whose sole purpose is to make the world a better place," Louis explains.

"That's so inspiring," Harry gapes at a lost for words.

Louis smiles sadly, "Perhaps..."

"Don't get me wrong, it's terrible what happened to Celia. But none of the things you've accomplished would've happened without her," Harry says.

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