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"Well. Perceptive, aren't you? I can see why Louis chose you," Scholar Jameson says.

Harry just stares at the man stunned. He couldn't believe after everything Louis was taking his memories away.

"Mhm," Louis hums at Scholar Jameson.

Harry jerks away from Scholar Jameson's hands.

"Louis... You need to explain," Harry says angrily.

"You know my secret, Harry. All of our secrets. We can't just let you continue on knowing what you know. It's not just about protecting my people. It's about protecting you," Louis says.

"So this whole night, everything you've shared with me, you knew it was only temporary? Why did you even bother taking me with you?" Harry asks frowning.

"Mortality is only temporary. One day, there will be nothing left of you but dust and bone... But you will still have lived your life. And the act of living is what matter," Louis says.

"I don't... it's not that simple," Harry says his frown deepening.

"Believe me, Harry. My world is dangerous and terrifying. What you've been through tonight is just the top of the iceberg," Louis says, "What I'm offering you is the chance to go back to the life you lived before... safe, secure, free. Do you consent?"

Harry thinks about it for a moment. Everything that's happened since the job interview.


"I'm sorry?" Louis asks shocked.

"No. I won't do it," Harry says stubbornly, "This night... the scary parts, the wild parts, everything... has made me feel the most alive I think I've ever felt. Your world, your kind... I'm excited to be a part of it. I want to stay and I want to be your assistant... your real assistant."

Louis raises an eyebrow, skeptical, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Am I afraid? No. I'm exhilarated, excited, maybe even nervous, but I' not scared," Harry says confidently and Louis studies him for a moment as if he's reading his mind right this second to figure out if he was lying or not.

"I feel like my eyes are open to what's really happening in this city... in this world... and I want to learn more," Harry continues, "I want to help you figure out what's happening with the Ferals and do something to stop these attacks. To save more people like the woman we saved tonight."

Louis cocks his head to the side, taking Harry in. His eyes seem to see right through Harry and Harry knows he's reading his mind.


"Really?" Scholar Jameson asks shocked.

"Really. You can keep your knowledge. No one's ever chosen to not get debriefed before," Louis smiles.

Scholar Jameson shakes his head, regretfully, "I fear this won't end well, old friend."

"We can always debrief him if he decides he wants it at a later date... But I believe it's worth giving him a chance," Louis says.

"I won't let you down," Harry says determinedly.

"Well, Scholar Jameson, thank you for your help. I will see you soon," Louis says.

"It was a pleasure, as always," Scholar Jameson smiles.

"We're leaving already? But this place is amazing," Harry says, "I'm sure it's full of secrets just waiting to be discovered."

Louis glances at his watch, then looks up at Harry with a smile, "I could give you a quick tour before the sun rises... and I wouldn't say no to getting to know you a bit better."

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