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A/N: Okay, first of all, I can't believe this book has over 100 reads in five fucking days! It may not be much but for my first book? Its ughhh I can't explain it. Second of all, This part was way too long so I had to split it into two parts therefore the Part 1... And finally, if you are into Dark Harry fanfics please go read my friend's book Unhealthy by UniPro1224.

"Oh my god! What is that thing?" Harry exclaims in fear.

"A Feral! Get back!" Louis says.

"Louis, we need to help that woman!" Harry says grabbing Louis' arm, "Come on, we have to save her from that thing!"

"We might be too late," Louis says regretfully.

The Feral growls, low and guttural, as it releases its grip on the woman and rushes straight at Harry at top speed.

Harry screams loudly, as the Feral moves with an impossible speed, bounding across the park and driving Harry down into the ground.

"Louis!" Harry yells out.

The creature hunches over Harry, it's breath rank, its maw wide as it snarls at Harry.

Louis grabs it by the neck and jerks it off Harry, "Get off him!"

The Feral spins on Louis, slamming him down on the ground. It's strength is surreal, and it snarls as it attacks Louis with pure rage.

"Harry! Grab a weapon!" Louis shouts over to Harry who stood there stunned.

Harry quickly looks around for something, anything.

"Here!" Harry tosses a branch to Louis. His hand shoots out to catch it. And he drives it into the Feral's chest, impaling it deeply with the jagged point of the branch.

The Feral jerks back with a hideous screech. Its skin cracks, stiffens, and turns a pallid grey. Its entire body disintegrates into crumbling ash, leaving behind nothing but silence, and the beating of Harry's racing heart.

Louis leaps to his feet and rushes over to Harry's side, "Are you okay?"

"Yes... are you?" Harry asks unsure.

"Yes," Louis says reassuringly.

Louis enfolds Harry in his arms and pulls him in close. With Harry's chest against his, Harry can feel the rapid beating of his heart.

"God, I... that," Harry stutters.

"You're okay. You're fine. You're alive," Louis says tucking a strand of hair behind Harry's ear.

Harry feels himself calming down, one breath at a time.

"Thank you... for what you did."

Louis nods, and hurries over to the injured woman, who is still lying on the park bench. He feels for a pulse...

"She's alive and breathing, just unconscious. She'll be okay," Louis says.

"Thank god... We should call 9-1-1," Harry smiles relieved.

"Yea," Louis agrees making no move to pull out his phone.

"Do you... want me to call?" Harry asks.

"It's probably best if it comes from you," Louis shrugs.

Harry takes out his phone and dials 9-1-1, "Yes, we need paramedics in Central Park, on the path near the Bandshell. This woman was attacked by..."

Harry stops for a second when Louis shakes his head.

"She was attacked. Thank you."

Harry hangs up and turns to Louis, "So... What the fuck was that?"

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