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Harry slides the phone into his pocket and pulls out the mandrake vial. Harry holds it up for the light, examining it. The red powder is refined, silky, mysterious.

The elevator arrives. Harry tucks the vial into his pocket and knocks on the door of the conference room. Louis lets him in.

"Excellent, Harry. Come in, please," Louis says ushering Harry inside.

Harry sees two other people seated at the massive table. A handsome man with an intense gaze and a sweaty older man who looks Harry up and down with hungry eyes.

"This is Harry, my new assistant," Louis introduces.

"You do go through them rather quickly," The younger man says.

"Harry, this is Liam Payne of Payne Industries," Harry says nodding to the younger man.

Harry reaches over to shake Liam's hand, but he dismisses it with a curt nod.

"Liam is a brilliant and fascinating man, but warmth is not his forte," Louis says.

Liam rolls his eyes at him.

"I, on the other hand, would be more than happy to shake your hand, gorgeous..." The other man says and Harry watches him in disgust.

"...And this is Simon Cowell of Cowell Meats," Louis says with a glare at Simon.

Simon rises and grasps Harry's hand in his. With his other hand, he reaches out and strokes Harry's forearm gently.

"What a beautiful, beautiful boy..." Simon compliments with a wicked grin on his face.

Harry mentally gags at the man's attempt to seduce him.

"How dare you!" Harry winds up his hand and slaps Simon across his face. Simon reels back at the force.

"Hey! Not cool!" Simon says angrily.

"Back off him, Simon. Now," Louis says sternly stepping in front of Harry protectively.

"God, he looks so hot when he's angry," Harry thinks to himself but shakes it away immediately. Not the time.

"why is everyone so touchy? I'm just complimenting a beautiful boy," Simon says.

"Touch this beautiful boy again, and he'll break your fingers," Harry retorts.

"I wouldn't test him, Simon. He seems to mean business," Liam says amused from his seat where he's sitting watching the scene unfold.

Simon, equal parts shocked and thrilled by the slap, backs off, but keeps studying Harry, curiously, creepily.

"Ah, how tragic. No one has any fun these days."

"Back to business. To commemorate our partnership, I have chosen some small gifts for you. Harry, can you do the honors?" Louis asks looking at Harry.


Harry reaches into the wooden box and pulls out the bejeweled scarab, "The scarab is for Mr. Payne."

Harry glances over to Louis to double check and sees that he was smiling encouragingly. Relieved, Harry hands the scarab to Liam. Liam turns it over in his hands, admiring it.

"Ptolemaic Dynasty. Very nice, Louis," Liam compliments.

"I thought you'd appreciate it," Louis says.

"The scarab is a symbol of rebirth, if I'm recalling my college class correctly?" Harry asks.

Liam glances up at Harry, as if really noticing him in the room for the first time. Simon clears his throat loudly.

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