Chapter 10

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10 chapters!!! If you are still reading, thank you so, so, so, so much darling! Ilysm!<3

Do tell me how you felt after coming this far!

Yours always,


Chapter 10

Agni yanked the blankets off of Princess's bed, and she didn't even stir. She had curled up in a fetal position with her long luscious black hair fanning around her head, with a white cotton night frock she almost looked like a little child. He noticed how young she looked in her sleep, what she would have to endure to become who she truly was. Sometimes, he could not help but feel bad for the Princess.

He called her once, twice, thrice but got no response. He would have assumed she was dead save for the steady breathing. So he decided to pour water on her face but reconsidered doing that to his future Queen. Not out of respect but to save that trick for later on.

He gently put his palm on her back and slightly patted her, calling her name.

To his horror, the princess almost screamed as she woke up and clutched his wrist, pulling him toward her and punched his nose so hard that it broke and bled. Thankfully, he pulled back fast enough to stop her from breaking it.

A sharp pain rippled around his nose and head. He had faced worse injuries before but the pain was always a pain.

"Oh my God! What were you thinking, Princess?" He yelled, yanking his wrist from her grasp.

The blood trickled onto his casual black tank top staining it even darker.

Indriya now set up with her hands clasped in her mouth.

"You almost broke my nose, what is wrong with you?" He wiped off his blood with his wrist.

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to.... I never wanted to hurt you," She said, the silver lining her eyes.

"Pathetic! Go and get dressed, this doesn't change anything, we are still training." He glowered as he strode off slamming the door shut as he left the room. Gods, he was going to have a tough time with this woman. He has trained men, a lot of men, and has made them endure merciless training. So training her wouldn't be so tough, but he wondered just how hard he had to push her.

He was half angry with the princess that she had almost broken his nose but he let her do it. Let her punch him just to see how far she could go, she was a warrior. She could do it, with just a little push.


Indriya's knuckles burnt due to the blow, they were red but they did not show any signs of bleeding.

She had been dreaming again and was in the middle of surviving an army of lizard-like creatures, she was not armed in her dream and was tearing those beasts apart with her bare hands and that's when Agni had woken her up. The dream felt so real. The pain that she felt on her hands due to the blows, the cuts and angry scratches by the creatures bled rivers of blood from her body. She could feel the cool blood that splattered over her face and stung her nostrils of the rotten stench. Her heart was still hammering in her chest and she breathed heavily.

She did not want to punch Agni in the nose. She felt a slight pang of guilt but she suppressed it, deciding that the princeling didn't deserve her sympathy, for all those bitter moments they had. Which made up most of yesterday.

She put on a fine crimson tunic, and khaki pants and braided her jet black hair, fastening it with a thin hairband. Agni knocked on the door twice and entered the room, this time he was armed with a sword that was peeking about his broad shoulders. She suppressed the urge to stare at him, it's not like one gets to see a warrior in action everyday. This time she was aware of the way he stood, like if she took one step he would knock her to the core of the earth.

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