Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Indriya did not find Agni, she looked everywhere, inside and outside the temple, the horse stable beside the huge temple and finally even the starting of the woods.
She looked around frantically for Chag and Mythri but neither of them were present, ‘Shit! If anyone found out, all of them would be in great trouble.’

“Indriya, What happened?” A too familiar female voice said. Indriya whirled around to look at Soma and Yamya standing, Yamya with her hand casually placed atop her gleaming, gold hilted sword.
“Where did you guys disappear to all these days?” She asked, her expression still frantic as a mouse seeing a cat.
“We had an errand to complete, so we had to go unnoticed.” Yamya explained.

Indriya could not waste anymore time, she asked them to follow her back to the resting house and explained the entire story on their way back.
Agni was going to break again, but this time he would probably kill the damned librarian, if she was still in the library. When they made it back they found Agni’s horse in the stable outside, a dead weight dropped into Indriya’s throat when she pushed the gates. Agni was standing in the rose garden, from far off, he turned around to look at her and he waved his hand, his arm bands gleaming as he did so.

Indriya had a bad feeling about this whole episode, but knew better than to hide it from him, unlike him she couldn’t hide big truths from anyone. She tottered toward him trying to ease a knot in her chest but the knot became tighter as she saw him smile.

“There you are, I looked around everywhere for you! Oh, hey, you guys came back? Why did you not tell me?” Agni asked cheerfully.
“ was quite late when we returned yesterday, so we decided not to disturb you.” She said dutifully.
“Agni, there is something you should read.” Indriya said as she handed the two page long letter to him. He was a rather fast reader, he read it very quickly and looked up at her.
“So what am I supposed to do?” He was as cool as a cucumber.
“The hell, Agni! I don’t know if she posed as your sister, you should know what to do about the damned hussy.” Indriya almost yelled.
“Whoa! Whoa! Calm your shit. I already knew about this, she doesn’t have any resemblance to my mother. I thought she was my sister for a long time but one day when I cracked an inside joke, I knew my sister would never forget she was confused. Apart from that I received a letter from one of my friends that he could hold on to my sister, he had bought her ownership. She is safe. I am just waiting for the right opportunity, I think that just showed up now.” He shrugged.
“Okay, Princey, do you even realise that she could be a spy? Or an assassin?” She asked. “That’s it, I didn’t care whether or not you confronted her, I am about to do it so you can either come with me or you can go to hell.” She screamed.


Agni was shaking all over, he knew that the damned wench was not his sister, but never really realised or even thought that he would get a letter from his sister. He thought she was…
But the way the Princess reacted to the letter, the panic in her eyes, like she actually cared for him, shook him even more than the letter. Agni’s flow of thoughts was interrupted by a bright dazzling white light that burst in through the windows of the library.

His magic, which was so arrogant that it wouldn’t so much as move around in the presence of any other magic, was bursting out to reach out to her. That was what made him move, he careened toward the library with rage filling his veins with fire. Rage that he had hid for a while, ever since he got that letter from Anuthama.
‘If that damned witch of a woman so much as breathed wrong in the Princess's direction I will shove the entire library down her throat.’ He thought.
The sight he saw when he entered the library made his heart stop, the Princess had complete control of her power. Her magic danced and pirouetted around the librarian's throat. The librarian’s mouth curved up on one side in the ugliest smile he had ever seen.

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