Chapter 44: The new hope

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No matter how I look at it, the rebellions are definitely becoming a problem. But why are they acting out like this? We knew something was to potentially happen, but to this degree? Who is the cause of this?

None of this makes sense, the worlds were finally together and it has been a while since the Galra have ruled, so why are the planets disbanding? "What about a union?" I hear someone say behind me, causing me to jump slightly as I had not hear anyone come in. "Young Sharaok, should you not be asleep?" He nods his head before hopping into the chair i was sat in previously. "On Erth, we had unions and pece tweaties... it may elp us..." he said. It was clear he was tired because he was slurring on his words more than usual. "I will speak to the other paladins and Earthlings in the future, but for now it is time for little space cubs to go to bed." I say whilst going to pick him up, causing him to groan. "Mama said i could stay up longer, cause im a big boy!" he said grumpily. "I had given him permission, however it seems that he is still to young to miss a nap." I hear Moresrid say behind me. "Come on my little cub, let's get you to your bed." she says whilst picking him up. I had expected him to whine, but instead he had begun to snuggle up to her. "I will be back to discuss what you were talking about with Melenor."

I didn't even ask how she knew because it did not surprise me that she knew about what we were talking about. "Sorry it took so long, Antor would not go back to sleep and Honerva was busy." I nod my head before pulling out the tablet I was making my report on. "We are having some problems with rebel forces, I believe that they may still hold a grudge against what the Galra Empire has done to them?" She sat down before replying to what I had said. "That may be correct, but the question is what can we do to stop them? We do not want to use force as it will only make the situation worse." I huff in defeat before sinking into my chair.

"Perhaps, I have the answer you are looking for?" I hear a voice causing both me and Melenor to jump. "Coran! Honestly you must give us a warning the next time you enter a room, making no noise!" Melenor says with anger lacing her voice. "I am sorry Mel, but I have a solution to our dilemma, However you may not like it as there is no telling what it could do..." What is he talking about? "Please go on..." I say softly. "During one of the missions the Paladins embarked on, they entered a field, which changed the time around them... Perhaps we could go back in time and stop the Great War of the Altean's and Galran's..." He seemed to be onto something. "Coran, that is a great idea, we could bring back both of the worlds and the universe will stay at peace, You are a Genius!!" This may be a good opportunity.

I pulled out my tablet before pulling up the coordinated Coran had sent me, we must make haste before there is no one left to pull the mission off, as thousands of my men had already lost their lives due to the rebellion. "Antok, Ulaz, Coriak and Haderek, Could you please report to my temporary quarters please..." It wasn't long after that they were all here. "We have a plan, no mission that we must complete and it may just save the entire universe." They had begun to cheer, before a voice broke the excitement. "What would it cost?" I stop talking for a second. "We are not sure?" I looked up to see it was Haderek that was talking. "What do you mean you are not sure? At what stakes would this mission risk?" I stopped and thought for a second before replying to her. "We can only measure the stakes once the mission is complete, However it is only our group it may affect, as any damage done will not be remembered to people outside the mission group..." She looked at me with anger, lacing her voice as she spoke... "Then please... enlighten us on the mission!" She had all rights to be angered by what I was saying but we must stay strong, for the sake of the children and the universe.

"The mission will include us going to the location X16, 8BJ, 12KK07 (Random coordinates that lead to nowhere, brought to you by your author) and us traveling back in time to stop the war between the Altean's and Galran's... In doing so we will be saving countless lives and planets." Honerva looked at me with sadness, "But to what loss will conclude the mission that saves countless lives and planets? How Many people will not exist, due to them being born because of the war?" It seemed as though she was questioning herself. "There is no way of calculating the loss, as it will only be us who remember the loss, however they will be remembered even if it is through us they survive..." I could not stop the thoughts that lingered, After there is no way of knowing the loss that would come with the mission, whether it be through death or other means... Would the universe really be better off? Would the universe be at peace as it was once before?

I just hope the loss will not be too much...

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