Chapter 42: Mates for life

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Recap of the previous Chapter 

Sharaok (Shiro)

It's taking too long. We're currently in the kitchen and are going to get a snack for me and Coriak, Whoever this person is walking is far too slow. I begin to struggle in arms in an attempt to get down and get the snacks myself. However, she soon quickened her pace and was able to acquire the correct snacks that we needed. Once we had the snacks, she quickly walked towards the medbay so me and Coriak could eat as we are both quite hungry. Once we arrived I scurried over to Coriak so I could give him his snack only to find he had fallen asleep again. I jump up to sit on his cot and begin to nuzzle him gently as I begin to purr to him, in which he happily purrs himself as well. I then lie down beside him and begin to fall asleep myself.

"No Kit you need to eat!!" I ignore the calls that were clearly aimed at me as I close my eyes, welcoming the darkness that is about to overcome me. Hopefully void of any nightmares like I usually have of my time with the Galra previously. I know they did not mean to harm me, but it does still hurt sometimes and I know it shouldn't but it is just painful, no matter how I look at things.

I sigh softly in content as my eyes close slowly as darkness finally takes over my body.

Current Chapter 


It has been harder and harder for me to control myself as of late, it was even worse when I saw Sharaok enter the room I was in. Somehow no matter who held me I still felt utter dismay, my skin itched and it felt as if someone had just brought a flame to my skin.  However, once Sharaok was in my arms I found myself purring along with him, despite the callings of the person who was with him previously. saying something about food. I wasn't that hungry now though, I just wanted my Sharaok. I continue to purr as I hear the heartbeat of the warmth in my arms slow down, he's probably asleep. 


Once I had finished in my office, I make my way towards the medbay where Coriak is to check how he is doing. 

Once I walked in I was met with quite a relaxing sight. Sharaok and Coriak were hugging whilst purring to each other, which is a great sign. This is because it means Coriak is feeling safe, meaning his emotional and physical state may improve even quicker than we had anticipated. "Coran may I borrow you for a Tick?" He slowly walks towards me "What can I do for you?" He says in a hushed tone, as to not wake the young ones. "I believe you may have made a mistake on who should help with his mental state..." He looked at the list he had prepared for Coriak's recovery. 


food and water: Hunk

mental state: Lance or Keith

body Guard: Zarkon

someone to check up on him: Alanea (courtesy of our Winner who didn't want to be named xx)

someone to watch whilst he is asleep: Mel (his mother)

physical check: Myself (Coran)



"I believe you may have a point... I shall change it to the little one." He says in a cheerful tone whilst walking away to log onto the medbay system to re-correct the plan. 

"S-sir... the young ones have yet to eat, I tried to get Sharaok to eat but he refused. He has not eaten since the early morning which is very worrying for he is developing into his next age cycle" That is quite the feat... "We will have to wait for them both to wake up, I have little hopes of separating them and making them eat because it will only make them even more stressed than they already are." She nods her head satisfied with my answer before placing what looked like snack bars onto the desk and walking out of the room.  

I walk over to the cot the two are on and place the blanket onto the tow that was places over Melenor as she slept next to her Cub after he left the pod.


I awoke once again to Zarokn's calming scent. "Awake again I see Kit?" I slowly nod my head still feeling really tired. "You may sleep longer if you wish Kit" I slowly nod my head again causing a laugh to come out of the large figure that was holding me. Causing me to whine "I am sorry Kit, I was merely laughing at your antics, rather than laughing at you" I place my head again into the soft fur of his neck before nodding off once again, Having both my Mate and my friend both in the medbay. I must have whines subconsciously because I am again enveloped into warm hug "It is ok young one, you are safe..." I slowly place my head down once again, allowing myself to fall into the land of sleep yet again.


I am in a dark place, similar to where I was previously. 

It feels so cold...all by myself. I can hear people speaking but I can not hear what they are saying. I'm so lonely by myself. I try to call out for someone but no one hears. I then collapse to the cold jet black floor.

I try to warm myself up, but nothing seemed to work. The voices become so loud I begin to clutch my head from the enormous array of voices that seemed to melt into one. I don't like it one bit. I continue to call out to anyone who could hear, but it seems to be for nothing as the voices continue to grown in volume.

Out of nowhere it goes silent. No voices, only the echo of my own tears. I then get up but instantly fall to my knees. I then hear voices again, this time I hear... laughter? Then I see light. For the first time in what seemed days I wasn't alone. However, every time I took a step the light just seemed to back away. No matter how hard I tried the light would just evade me. No matter how many times I lunged or tried to get it by surprise, it always seemed to be one step ahead of me.

End of Dream

I woke up screaming. I don't want to be there anymore, I don't want to see it. Its too scary. Even the calming scent of Zarkon count not calm me this time. I was too far into panic. 


"Moresrid come quick, Marice is panicking..." I shouted at the top of my lungs, causing my door to fly open. "Where is he?" She quickly spots him and pulls him into her arms "Mama is here, ive got you." No matter how hard she tried he seemed to panic even further. "What happened!!!" She shouts before i respond with a growl "Nothing he woke up like that!!" I shout back "We need to figure out before he sends himself into a stress induced coma again... we can not have him relapsing whilst the other Youngling and Kit are still ill. I-I don't want to lose him again." I quickly nod my head. "Antor, is he awake and out of the pod yet?" "Yes h- that's a great idea." she says quickly before leaving the room quickly. 

I follow hot on her tail before reaching the medbay to find the two younger Cubs embraced in themselves whilst Marice was still in a  state of hysterics. All I could think, was thank Alfor we got him to his mate in Time.

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