part twenty two

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"hey gorgeous" he said after his smiley face appeared on my screen. "hi" i replied with a smile. "you ok?" he asked me. "yes i just wanted to ask you something" "and what is it?" he said. "well you know how it's my birthday coming up" he didn't say anything he just nodded.

"well my mum text me before and she's coming down from birmingham to see me and jack" i said. "oh well that's nice you get to see them" he said. "yeah i know but my mum also mentioned about meeting you too" i said. phil went silent for a few seconds.

"you don't have to of course i could just tell her you're busy or yo-" "of course i would love to meet them" he said cutting me off and he smiled. a sense of relief washed over my body. obviously it was normal for him to meet my parents but it was early days with me and phil. but now i don't have to worry.

"thank you" i said as i smiled at him. "you don't have to thank me" he said and we both giggled. "so when are they coming down?" he asked. "on wednesday they will come to my apart around 1pm if you can come then" i said. "yeah i'll be there" he said. "oh and millie" he said. "yeah?" "i love you" he said.

i had gotten butterflies over things phil had done and said before but this was the first time phil had ever said 'i love you' directly to me and it gave me butterflies more than anything else ever had. a huge smile grew on my face. "i love you" i said back to him.

"night beautiful" he said and i said night back and we ended the phone call. i just put my phone down a second a thought about him. i was so scared of making myself vulnerable to anyone again after my last relationship with callum. i never wanted to be in that position again but phil was really making it hard.


today was the day. the day that phil met my parents. i would definitely be lying if i said i wasn't nervous but i can't be that bad right? i mean obviously they're going to love him he treats me perfectly and he's a nice person. there's nothing not to like.

i checked the time on my phone and it was 12:15 and i heard a knock on my door. i knew it was phil as my parents weren't arriving until 1:00pm so i walked over and opened the door straight away. without saying a word phil stepped towards me and kissed me and i wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back before he came in.

"are you nervous" i said noticing phil was acting differently. "yes". i giggle at him and walked towards him wrapping my arms around his neck once again as his wrapped around my waist and i pecked him on the lips. "don't be they will love you" i said. "what makes you so sure" he said.

"well i think my parents would love anyone after my ex" i said. "why what happened" he asked. i wasn't ready to go into detail about that situation with phil yet and i didn't really like talking about it to anyone. "he was just not a nice person" i said. phil brought his arms from my waist to around my top half and pulled me closer to hug me.

i hugged him back but was interrupted by the sound of knocking. my parents were here. i pulled away from phil and we both made eye contact and smirked before i walked over to my front door. i opened it and was greeted with a huge hug from my mum. living far away made me forget how much i loved hugs from her.

my dad stood behind her and after i hugged my mum she stepped aside and i ran to my dad and have him a hug. "how my little girl been" he said as he span around hugging me. "i've missed you" i said as he let go of his tight grip around me. i stepped back from them both and turned around to see phil stood behind me holding the door open smiling.

"mum dad" i said as i turned around. "this is my boyfriend phil". My mum and dad obviously knew phil as phil foden the manchester city footballer but they had never spoken to him personally until now.
phil stepped forward and gave my mum a hug and shook my dads hand introducing himself.

"nice to meet you both" he said. "and lovely to meet you" my mum said and my dad nodded. we all walked into my apartment and i showed my mum and dad around my whole apartment. after i showed them around we all sat down and talked for abit.

"so how you finding it living here with your new job and everything" my mum said. "i love it i miss living with jack obviously but i need my own space now and i love my job too" i said. "and how are you phil you enjoying your football" my dad said. "yes of course working hard especially with the england boys at the minute" phil replied.

"i wondered how long it would take you to bring football up" i said to my dad and we all laughed. "well i know a good player when i see one especially when he plays for my club" my dad said. "manchester city fan?" phil asked. "of course" my dad said.

phil and my dad carried on their 'manly football talk' as they would call it and me and my mum spoke for abit longer too and before we knew it it was 3:00pm and my parents had been here 2 hours. "well mill it's been amazing seeing you but im gonna have to leave you now and go and see jack for a few hours" my mum said and her and my dad stood up and me and phil followed.

"thank you for coming and for my birthday presents mum and dad i love you both" i said. "we love you too mill we will come see you again soon" they both have me huge hugs and my dad kissed me on the cheek. "and we hope to see you again soon phil make sure you look after our mills" my dad said and i turned around as i smiled at phil.

"you too and of course i will look after her" he said and i waved them goodbye as they walked down the hall way and i shut the door. as soon as i heard the door shut i jumped in phils arms and wrapped my legs and his waist and arms around his neck. i kissed him and then pulled away to look at him.

"told you they would love you" i said. "i'm so glad your dads a man city fan" i rolled my eyes at the fact that he was most bothered about what football team my dad supported and laughed at him. i kissed him again and then he put me down and we walked into my kitchen.

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