Part Seventeen

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I woke up naturally and seen the sun rising outside my window so it must've been really early. Phil's head was still resting on me and his arm was over my waist. I didn't move for a bit as I didn't want to wake him up yet but I soon got bored and tried to move. I tried to sit up then I felt phils arm pull me back down.

"Phil get off me I need to get up" I said laughing slightly at how grumpy he was in a morning. "5 more minutes" he said with his head still in the pillow. "Fine" I said as I lay back down next to him. More than 5 minutes had past and I was getting up now no matter how much he complained. I sat up and picked up my t shirt which Phil threw on the floor after he had taken it off me the night before. I threw the t shirt over my head and put my underwear on and then I turned around and seen phil looking at me.

"Morning handsome" I said as I smiled at him. "Morning beautiful" he replied. I had started walking  towards my bathroom when I noticed I felt an ache in between my legs which caused me to walk with a slight limp. "Why are you walking like that" Phil said as he laughed at me. "Why do you think?" I asked him sarcastically because he obviously knew it was because of him and what we did the night before.

I walked into my bathroom and washed my face in the sink and brushed my teeth before walking back into my bedroom and to my wardrobe to get something to wear for the day. I chose my sports leggings and black cropped jumper

"Are you gonna get up some time today" I said as I looked over at phil who was still lay in bed

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"Are you gonna get up some time today" I said as I looked over at phil who was still lay in bed. He groaned into the pillow. "If I have to" he said and he got up and started walking towards me and I turned around to face my dresser as I was looking for my bracelet. He reached me and wrapped his arms around my waist under my jumper so I could feel his cold hands on my warm body.

He put his head of the crook of my neck and hugged me from behind and then kissed me on the cheek. I turned around and pecked him on the lips and then walked out of my room and he got ready. I went in the kitchen and picked up my phone that read a text from grace.

Grace : you working today?
Millie : nope
Grace : good can we go out for some dinner we need a catch up
Millie : yess can you do 12:30pm?
Grace : yess I'll see you there!

I finished texting grace then phil walked out of my bedroom looking at his phone. "Got any plans today?" I asked him. "Yeah I do actually I've got training in an hour" he said as he walked towards me and leaned against the kitchen counter. "have you got any plans?" He asked. "Yeah I'm gonna go out with grace later I haven't seen her in a few days" I replied.

"So your leaving me then" he said making a sad face an I just laughed. "Unfortunately yes" I said an I smiled. "Nah I'm only joking but I do need to leave now so I'll speak to you later" he said. He leaned over and kissed me and said goodbye then left and not long after I left to go an meet grace.

I turned up at the small town cafe and saw grace waiting for me on one of the tables inside. I walked in and greeted her and we ordered some food. "So how come you wanted to talk?" I asked her. "Oh yeah just thought we needed a catch up and I've not seen you since you told me about what phil asked you have u spoken to him" she asked me. I couldn't help myself and the smile grew bigger on my face.

Before I could say anything she knew what I was about to say. "millie?" She said and I just kept smiling. "I'm yes well..." I said and I started to giggle. "I told him that I had spoken to jack and told him what jack said and then" I stopped for a min. "And then what?" She asked eagerly. "And then I told him I wanted to be his girlfriend". "AHHHHH" grace said excitedly. "im so happy for you" she said and I thanked her.

"Was he happy then?" She asked. "He was so happy" I said still smiling. "So what did you do after?" She asked. Obviously I wasn't going to tell her about what happened after that. "I'm not sure you want to know" I said hinting at what we did and she knew exactly what I meant because she rolled her eyes jokingly then started laughing.

"Anyways how's things with you and mason?" I asked. "What do you mean" grace said. "Oh grace don't act like you two don't like each other and haven't been flirting at any given chance" I said and we both started laughing. "Well yeah things are going good he actually asked me to go out with him the other day but I couldn't cause I was busy" she said. "But things are going well I don't want to rush into anything I'm gonna regret" she said.

"Yeah I understand what you mean I don't want to rush into anything with phil either I don't want it to end up like how it did with callum" I said and she agreed. Callum is my ex. (can't remember if I've wrote anything about this so if I have just forget that lol) We split up nearly nine months ago now and I was so mentally destroyed after I came out of that relationship.

We was together for 2 years and I found out that he been cheating on me for months when the girl that he had cheated on me with dm me on instagram. She was so nice about it and she also was very apologetic because she never knew he was with me as he obviously never said. I didn't want to believe it or end things as I was absolutely in love with him and I was broken when I left him but I had so much support off my friends and family and they made me realise that leaving him was the best thing that I could have ever done.

The cheating lying and verbal abuse was too much for me to ever trust a man as much as I trusted him and it was going to take a lot for a man to gain that same amount of trust he had. Phil was the first boy I had ever been with since I split up with callum and he is also the only boy I've even had a slight interest in so I was just begging that it wouldn't end up like it did last time.

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