Part Four

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It had been a few days after jack told me about the job I was being offered and today was the day I was going to take it. I was quite nervous about working with the England squad company it was such a huge job for a sort of 'first job' but I was so lucky to have the opportunity.

Me and jack had both gone to the training ground in the same car today and he wasn't in the car for long before we arrived again. I got out the car and followed jack into St. George's park where jack told me to go speak to the receptionist and she'll tell me what to do as he walked off to go training.

Jack left me and I walked over to the brunette girl sat behind the office computer. She looked up at me "Hi I'm Millie I've come to take the job that Gareth talked about to jack?" I said. "Oh yes welcome Millie my names Jodie I'll be working with you on the job" she replied.

Jodie was so lovely she showed me around all the rooms I'd be working in which she was obviously more finials with as she had been working there for nearly a year now. She showed me around then she gave me my first job for the day. She was so lovely about it and seemed so welcoming.

I first started replacing all the old files with the new updated england squad files with their positions and everything. I then made a schedule for the boys in which they would have their meals and then train and then shower and sleep also adding their free time to it.

I had done a few jobs around the office and it was around 2pm when me and Jodie both went for lunch together in the cafe. We both god food and sat down on a table in the seating area whilst we ate.

"So how you finding the job so far?" Jodie asked me. "I love it it's easier than I thought it would be to be honest" I replied. "Oh you won't be saying that next week" Jodie said and we both laughed. "And the boys?" Jodie said. I think I could tell what she was hinting abit but I still acted like I didn't. "The boys? What about them?" I said. "Well they're all got your eyes on any of them?". "No I haven't I'm not really looking for a relationship at the minute" I said. "Well if you do become interested in one of them make sure you tell me I know them inside n out i could help you get what you want" she said with and smirk and I laughed and thanked her.

We had finished our lunch and we went back to working for the rest of the day. Jodie had asked me to go change the schedule frame on the wall outside the training changing room and so I took the new schedule and made my way to the room. I was halfway through changing it when I heard the door open behind me. I turned around and to my luck it was the very annoying brunette I had been forced to train with last time I was here.

I just looked at him then turned around to continue to do what I was there for. "So I don't get a hello then?" He said in his very cocky voice. "Hello" I said sarcastically. "I knew you'd come back to see me again" he smirked. "I came to my job actually". "Job?" What job?" He said. "Don't sound so surprised yes I do work" I said. "Gareth asked me to do paper work and schedule arrangements in the office after he seen me here last week, he must like me" I said sounding rather proud of myself. "Like you? I don't blame him" phil muttered under his breath but I couldn't quite hear him. "What did you say?" I asked him. "Nothing" he said. "Congrats on the job then see ya around" he smirked and walked off.

Was that Phil saying something nice instead of sarcastic to me? Who would've believed it. I went back to Jodie to give her the player position files and tell her that I had changed the schedule sheet. "Heyy is there anything else you need me to do?" I said as I walked into the room where she was working. "Oh no there no other jobs but I think Gareth wants to speak to us all, he asked all staff including players to come to the meeting room in 15 minutes so I'll just finish up this email and we can go together" Jodie said. "Okayy I'll wait in here for you then" I replied.

Jodie finished writing the email she was sending and we both walked to the meeting room. The building was so big that it took us about five minutes to walk there. We entered the huge meeting room and all the lads were sat down talking to each other. Me and Jodie walked over to a table and we sat down and just talked while we waited for Gareth to come. We wasn't waiting for long before he came in.

He greeted us all and started to thank us all for the work we had done for them so far and he congratulated the players on their hard training sessions they had been doing recently. I assumed that Gareth was thanking the other staff for their hard work and not me as I hadn't been there for more than a day but he looked like he was speaking to me too which I thought was really nice on him.

"As a thank you for all your hard work and the lads hard work in training we're gonna be hosting a party here at St. George's park on Saturday night your welcome to bring any friends you want with you as long as it causes no trouble" he said. Everyone was so thankful for this arrangement that Gareth had for us all and we all thanked him afterwards. After Gareth left people started to go home as it was then end of the working day for everyone.

I said bye to Jodie and went to find jack as I was going home with him in his car. I seen him chatting with the lads and walked over to him. "Alright mills" he said to me as he told the boys he was leaving and they all said bye. "So how was your first day at work?" He asked. "I loved it" I replied and we carried on talking about our days as we got into the car and drive home.

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