Part Thirteen

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He was bruised on his face and had a little blood on his head. "omg are you okay" I said as he walked into my apartment. "Yes I'm fine" he said with his head down. "Come here" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him into the bathroom.

I took a small towel and rinsed it under warm water then told Phil to keep still. I placed the warm towel on his cut trying to get rid of the dry blood around it. "Ow that hurts" he said. "Sorry" I said. "Tilt your head down" i said and he moved his head so I could reach as he was quite abit taller than me. "Phil you didn't have to do that" I said as I carried on cleaning his face. "Well I wasn't gonna let him touch you like that" he said and then it was like he remembered it all again.

"Wait let me see your arm" he said. "Why" I asked. "Just let me see your arm please" he asked. "No I'm fine" I said as I tried to move away from him but he grabbed by arm before I could. Phil pulled my arm infront of him and seen that it had bruised where the man grabbed me. "I'm going to kill that dickhead" he said. Once he had noticed how the man hurt me he started to get more angry again.

I put my hand on the bottom on phils chin and lifted it up to look at my face and not my arm. "Phil" I said looking into his eyes. "I am fine you don't need to worry about me" I added. I felt the space between us get smaller and smaller and our faces got closer and closer until our lips met. He kissed me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He then pulled away and hugged me. It wasn't really a 'sexual' type of kiss it was more of a 'comforting' type of kiss.

It was now really late and I told Phil to stay over at mine so he didn't have to go home and we didn't have work the next day so it didn't really matter anyway. I went into my bedroom and got changed into a t shirt and just my underwear and Phil had just took his clothes off to sleep on his boxers.

I told Phil to get in bed and I'd be a second as I went to go find my charger in the kitchen. I came back in my room and climbed into bed. I didn't want to get too close to him but that didn't last lost long as I felt his arm wrap around me and pull me on closer to him. I placed my head on his chest and my arms around his waist as his hand played with my hair and I fell asleep quite quickly.

I woke up to a small amount of light shining through my curtains. I was still cuddling phil when I woke up and if I moved it would've woken him so I just lay there in his arms for a bit waiting for him to wake up. Around 10 minutes later I felt phil moving and he had woken up.

I moved out of his arms and sat up to look at him. "Morning" I said. "Morning" he smiled back at me rubbing his eyes. I pushed the sheets off of me and walked out of my bedroom to the kitchen. I made a coffee for me and Phil and took it back into the bedroom where I seen Phil on his phone.

He looked up and then put his phone down taking the coffee off me and thanking me and I sat on the bed next to him. We chatted for a bit mainly about the less violent parts about the night before when Phil stopped talking for a minute.

"Can i ask you something?" He said. "Yeah" I replied. "Last night happened and you needed to get away from him you called me your boyfriend didn't you?" He asked even though he already knew I did. "Yeah um sorry about that it's just I panicked an I need to get away from him an-". "Millie it's fine" he said trying to calm me down as he saw I was getting nervous and talking really fast.

"And anyway I was thinking we always hang out like out of work an stuff an not to mention we have had sex before" he said and we both started laughing. "Well I was thinking that we could be more than friends and maybe you could be my girlfriend" he said. I felt butterflies in my stomach more than I ever had before when I heard Phil say this. However there was one thought in the back of my mind that stopped me. I hadn't told Jack anything about me and Phil.

I didn't feel the need to tell jack as he wasn't my dad he didn't control me but with Phil being his best mate I thought he deserved to know. I smiled at phil. "Phil I like you I've liked you for a bit now but I just don't think it will work" I said. "Then we can make it work" he said as he grabbed my hand and held it as he spoke to me. "We both like each other so why can't we make it work". This was the first time I had ever seen Phil like this. I mean I was used to seeing him just being annoying all the time and didn't think he even had the soft side that I was seeing in him now.

"I don't know I'm gonna have to speak to jack first as your his best friend and I think he needs to know before anything happens between us" I said. "Well I'll give you a couple of days to think but please just be honest with me I don't want you feeling pressured into anything" phil said.

I felt so safe around him. He was so understanding of the way I felt or said about anything. I already knew that I wanted to be his girlfriend but I just needed to speak to jack before we made it official.

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