Chapter 7~ Getaway

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"Illeya, what happened to you?" My uncle says, reaching a hand to my cheek.
"Ahem, Mr Febrero, I'll ask the questions here."
"Sorry ma'am."
"So, Illeya, what caused your... Injuries?"
"A group of boys. A gang in a sense. They attacked me. Once at the beginning of school, again at break."
"Can you describe your attackers to me?" Suddenly, I sense something fishy about these questions.
"Are you really a teacher?"
"It's just, these questions seem a bit... Formal."
"If you must know, I am a former police officer. Now, descriptions."
"I didn't see the rest of the group. But the leader I did. He had red hair. Brown eyes. He was quite tall, looked year 10 or 11."
"Still as observant as ever I see."
"Well, hello, Illeya."
"Don't you know who I am?"
"Not Josie. Josie was just an excuse I used to get close to you."
"You think this is just a game, Illeya?" For a moment, I am stumped.
"What else could it be?"
"I guess you could say it was a form of a game. But no, Illeya, it is not. You may have noticed a few... Changes?"
"Yes, I'm afraid that is all down to me. You see, I wanted you to... Get a taste of your own medicine as you humans say. So I switched things round. Now you know how it feels to be one of those 'lesser beings'." For the first time in my life, I am stunned into silence.
"Who are you?"
"It is more a case of what. I am the shadows that cause the paranoia of night, I am the demons of the horror stories your generation are so fond of, I am darkness, I am your worst nightmare."
"Going for the cliche are we?"
"I think you'll find I am more than just a cliche."
"Ugh, dream on. I've read enough books and seen enough films to know that that is exactly what you are and what you stay."
"Hm, so confident. So defiant. Nice to see you haven't changed."
"I just want my home back."
"Well, there is only one way back now."
"To understand." Before I can ask what that means, I watch the force slip out of the teacher and disappear back to wherever it came from.
"You may go, Illeya."
"Excuse me ma'am?"
"Yes Mr Febrero?"
"May I have permission to take my niece out of school? I believe we have a few things to discuss."
"Of course. I shall clear it with Office but go ahead. I can see Illeya is distressed but I must say she is handling things pretty well in the circumstances."
"She doesn't know?"
"I am afraid not ma'am."
"Illeya, this morning, after you left for school, your parents got divorced. Your dad he... Well, he went to work. There was a fire. I am afraid your father perished with the fire." The shock of this doesn't seem to hit me until I remember the father I had before the world was switched up. Then, the sincerity of it hits me and fear overpowers me. What if this means he is dead in the 'real' world? What if I don't have a father anymore?
"I... I..." Tears seem too little for a situation as dire as this. I remember the last words he said to me and almost fall out of my chair. Obviously, they both spot something is wrong and act on it immediately.
"Mr Febrero, I would advise you take her immediately. It is clear Miss Febrero is a little... Startled as it is. Make sure she gets the rest she needs. I will make sure she gets as much time off as she needs."
"Thank you ma'am." My uncle comes to me and picks me up, cradling me in his arms.
"You're gonna be alright Illeya. I'll be your family now." Somehow, this gives me a slight spark of hope and a little comfort. A slight smile appears on my face and as he carried me out of the office, my eyes close and almost instantly, i am engulfed by a relaxing darkness, finding good comfort in the art of sleep.

"Good morning Illeya."
"Morning Uncle." As I sit up, pain burns in every part of my body and I wince.
"Ah yes I'd be careful if I were you. They beat you up pretty bad."
"I noticed."
"I'm sorry about your dad."
"I... it's fine. I meant nothing to him anyway."
"How so?"
"The last thing he said to me was 'shut up you worthless little slut'."
"As far as I knew, he lived you."
"Stupid world switch thing. How come I never saw you?"
"Me and your mum never got along. She hates me, banned me from her house."
"I killed her son."

"I... I had a brother?"
"His name was Ryan. You were twins."
"We... Were involved in a car crash. Side on. Ryan was on the side of the car crash, the side with the most impact. He... Didn't make it." Once again, tears sting my eyes and a few escape.
"Hey, hey don't cry." He says, wiping the tears from my cheeks.
"Wait here."
"Where are you going?"
"I need to get something. I won't be long." He pats my leg and stands, heading out of the room to get whatever it is he needs to get.

"Here. I think you should have this." He hands me a photo but not just any photo. A photo of our whole family, including Ryan.
"How can I not remember him?"
"In the car crash, none of us exactly got off lightly. You suffered from amnesia. It turned out it was worse than they thought. You forgot him. Forgot me too."
"I can't believe I forgot him. Or you. What happened to the others?"
"Have you ever noticed the scar on your mothers wrist?"
"Yeah. I thought it was..."
"No. That scar is because she broke her arm in the car crash. Your dad, he got off alright. Had concussion but only mildly. As for me... Well I almost died. Your father saved me. Somehow, he knew some procedures. I was alright. In the end. We all were. Apart from..."
"Apart from Ryan."
"And you. The crash had lasting effects. The amnesia. You have a scar too." He reaches up and traces a line from my forehead to my eyebrow.
"Can I stay with you?"
"Of course. And by what just happened in that office, we have a lot to talk about." I smile. Maybe I can getaway from this after all. Maybe... No. 'To understand.' Understand what?

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