Chapter 1~ Perfect Girl

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Some stories are hard to swallow. Not mine. In my school, things couldn't really get much better. I am the most popular girl in school. Everybody likes me, not exaggeration. Everyone wants to BE me. I am just that great. Never have I been bullied or disliked. Not once. Not even after about 11 years of education. Constantly, you hear people moaning about the tortures of adolescence, also known as the Sucky 5 Years. To be perfectly honest, I've never understood why. Life really couldn't be more perfect. I have a loving, generous family. By that I mean I ALWAYS get what I want. I have many, MANY friends. Boys are always trying to bribe me with things like chocolate and money. Usually, I just take the gifts and leave them hanging. Basically break up with them before they even have to chance to ask the question. It's the easiest and only way to do it. And you get free gifts. Ah the perks of being a popular.

I wouldn't say I'm a bully. Not exactly. I mean yes I've used people as seats, I've booted people out the toilets if I go in, I shove people out the way if they're in my lunch seat, I pour milk over the idiots heads and trust me, there are a lot of them round here. Ha most of the time they run off crying. They all head to the same place every time: The Principal's Office. So predictable! Then, as usual, I get called in, get a detention blah blah blah you get the idea. It doesn't really matter when you're like me. I'm not exactly the brightest spark in the class but I'm learning.

My main priority is my make up. My make up bag is the love of my life. I take it everywhere with me. I don't give a damn about the school rules. I wear my make up even when I get told to take it off. Teachers really are stupid. The biggest mistake they make is to send students with make up on to the bathroom where the only thing they'll even think of doing, if anything, is certainly not taking all that hard work off which took about 2,3 hours to do. Most likely, it's an excuse to put on more and that's exactly what they'll do. They'll come in with masses of make up on and get sent to the Principal. Again. I'm not THAT obsessed with make up. Let's just say I'm into my fashion. For those adults, that word means clothes in the 21st century which you obviously have no idea of. Victorian era ended 114 years ago yet you speak and act like a posh and sophisticated Membee of Parliament.

Anyway, back to me. Not vane at all. I'm year 10, as you can guess. 15 years old. Boys fawn over me every secpnd of every day. They suck up to me, but I reject every one. What losers! Ugh. The thought of dating one of them makes me sick. Ruin my reputation. Drastically. Oops there goes the bell! Better get off to class. Not that I pay any attention to class or school rules I just hate the bell and... It's cold. See you guys after lesson!

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