Chapter 22

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(a quick note that there's a bit of a steamy scene in this chapter, it's my first time I've written anything like this but I wanted to warn you guys just in case)

After Rosie had been put to bed, the adults had broken out a bottle of wine and got to know each other a bit better. It turned into three bottles between the four of them. At 11 pm Sherlock and Molly were finally putting their shoes on, only swaying slightly.

"It's been lovely having you both. We'll have to make sure we do this more often!" John smiled,

"Yes! And you," Mary pointed at Molly, "bring that lovely little sister of yours next time!"

"I will! She'll be so excited when I tell her you said she could babysit little Rosie. She loves doing things like that."

"Does that mean we don't have to pay her then?" John joked,

"Trust me, she's worth every penny." Sherlock said, receiving a bright smile from Molly.

As they got outside, the crisp night wind helped to sober them up a little. Molly hadn't thought to bring more than a light coat so Sherlock unwound his scarf and wrapped it around her neck. He pressed a kiss to her lips when he did which she eagerly returned. Every time they kissed, she decided it was too long since the last one. Molly thought she could quite literally kiss Sherlock Holmes forever. When the kiss ended (there's only so far you can push it in a public street, even at 11 at night), they started to walk hand in hand towards Molly's house. They fell into tipsy conversation, discussing work and plans and whatever else sprung to mind. Sherlock had just finished telling her about his latest case with Lestrade when they reached her door. He stopped.

"I didn't say, Molly, but I really enjoyed the idea of us working on cases together. Maybe we could do it properly sometime?"

"I'd like that." She smiled, he did too. He kissed her.

"Well, I best be off. Thank you for a lovely night, Molly. I'll see you soon." He kissed her forehead before turning to head back to 221B. Molly's hand shot out and grabbed his own, he spun back around.

"Wait," she blushed, "maybe, maybe you could stay tonight?"

"Molly, I-"

"It's okay if you don't want to. It's just, well, Loo's at Amanda's and I just thought it might be nice to-"

The words were rushing out of her, he silenced her with a sweet kiss.

"Molly, I was going to say I would love to."

"Oh," she grinned, "okay."

She unlocked the door and toed her shoes off as he did the same. She was proud of herself for asking him, even if the wine might be a bit of a catalyst. Oh well, it's not like wine hadn't helped with her endeavours with Sherlock before. She floated into the living room, stopping to pet Toby as he wound around her legs. The tabby cat got rather excited to see Sherlock again. He seemed to be the fat cat's favourite person. But in his cross-eyed excitement, he had tripped Molly over almost making her land squarely on her face. Thankfully, Sherlock's arms had been there to catch her. It seemed he was always there when she needed him. He brought her back to her feet and held her close. The atmosphere around them was suddenly heavy with an unnamed feeling and as she stared into his mesmerising blue eyes she found herself lost for words. She swallowed, taking in the tall form of the beautiful man in front of her. His eyes were so intense, his look so loving. She had never felt so seen. She had never felt more loved.

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