Chapter 24

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The weekend rolled around again faster than it should have done. Both Sherlock and Molly were so busy at school and at home that they had barely had time to do anything but say good morning and goodnight. Sherlock did the best he could, he made breakfast for the three of them every morning and made sure to always ask Molly how her day was when they were finally heading home. He often finished before her and waited for her to be done, but he didn't tell her that. He didn't want her to rush what she was doing just so he didn't have to wait. In the evenings, they would take it in turns to cook or cook together and then they would settle on the sofa, stacks of marking in front of them. Molly would stick a playlist of theirs on and they'd work in comfortable silence. Sherlock never commented on the fact that Molly made sure a part of her was always touching him. More often than not, it was her leg swung over the top of his, or her feet shoved under his bum if she was cold. He had adjusted to sharing their space more easily than he had thought, everything just felt so natural with Molly. Mary was right, this domesticity thing really did suit him.

Molly shouted her presence to the house when she got back, bags of shopping in tow. She muttered a sorry as she realised Sherlock was on the phone before setting about putting the groceries away.

"Mycroft, I really don't think ... I'm sure they do ... maybe I want to do it on my own terms ... well yes, it seems none of you understand what that means ... fine ... yes, yes whatever ... okay, we'll be there. Goodbye Mycroft."

Sherlock let out an exasperated sigh as he slipped into the kitchen. He grabbed Molly by the waist and pulled her into him, she let out a gasp as she crashed into his chest. He lowered his lips to hers. She hummed appreciatively into his mouth. He held her there for a while, moving his lips over hers. She had only been to the shops but he found that now it was possible for them to be together all the time, he missed her far too much when they were not.

"Hello to you too." She giggled. He hummed at her. "Everything okay?"

"It is now that you're back." He kissed her again as she blushed and swatted at his chest.

"I was referring to your phone call. It was your brother, right?" He nodded, she looked slightly dejected as she added, "Have you got to go on a case?"

He smiled and brushed her hair from her face. "Err, no. Not this time. It's- it's something a little different actually."

"Oh yeah?" She had busied herself putting the shopping away again, plodding about the kitchen and opening and closing cupboards. She stretched up to put the sugar on a top shelf but she couldn't quite reach. Sherlock came up behind her and slipped the item from her hand. His body was flush against hers and she still wasn't used to how good that felt.

"It's my parents actually, they want to meet you." He said it from behind her. Her heart stopped, she hadn't really thought about meeting Sherlock's family. She supposed it was only right. Even though she and Loo didn't have many people left, Sherlock had still met her Grandfather over their weekly facetime.

"Oh." It was the only sound she could make when he was pressed up against her like that, he stepped back. When she looked at him he looked nervous which did nothing to settle the butterflies in her own stomach.

"Does that sound okay? Would you mind?" His gaze was on his hands. Molly realised then that she would have to be the bold one right now. She shook out her shoulders and took a step towards him, taking his face in her hands,

"It sounds more than okay. I'd love to."

He breathed again, he hadn't realised he'd been holding his breath.

"That's good, that's good because, well, they want to meet you tomorrow."

She took in a sharp breath, that was a little sooner than she expected but it would be okay. He rushed to justify the immediacy.

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