These Here Parts

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At first glance, I was expectant they would be possessed by a lustful enchantment, unable to keep their hands off one another. Why wouldn't I assume that? It's like that any other time.

I was staggered by what was really happening.

I could tell by his rabid demeanor that he was not bullshitting. Like an adult disciplining a child. Like he had done me at a point.

She was frozen. Hands to her side. If I'm not mistaken, they slightly trembled. He nearly brushed her nose with how close he was. It must've been his preferred method in making sure he had someone's whole and undivided attention. He wouldn't want them to blink and miss a single breathe that leaves him.

I can conclude that this was indeed not a romantic moment, but something totally different.

I appeared in time to catch the tail end of what he was saying to her.

"——what the fuck part of that you ain't getting? Huh?"

"I get all of it Damien. But—-Ain't no buts. You say you get it, so what's the fuckin problem?" he immediately hushed her.

"You know very well what my issue is," she said calmly enough not to provoke him.

"What's that?"

"You promised you would never act bitter towards me. And what you just did in front of my freshmen?! You made me look stupid!" she spat.

He cocked his head, "Did I? I thought everything I said was fact, was it not?"

"Obviously not if it caught me off guard!"

"What you call never calling, talking to everybody else bout our business but me, and laughing in other niggas face when I'm not around? That ain't no damn 'close friend'. Not by our definition no fuckin way," he ranted. "So why would I call you that?"

Her glare was hostile. "Funny. I don't remember signing over the right to be myself when I settled for this mess," she motioned her hands between the two of them.

"Oh yeah you did. That was the discussion," he pointed right in her face. "As long as I'm doing everything a nigga supposed to do for you, you ain't got no fucking choices. You can't have freedom and fuck with me."

"I can't believe this," she shook her head.

"Believe it cuz I'm being dead ass serious. We been doing this shit for over a year now and all of a sudden you cracking under pressure."

"So you just gone forget that you're consumed with football too and everything that comes with it?! What about that?"

"I still call you, don't I?"

She only folded her arms and looked away.

"Okay then. You ain't been tryna fuck with me like that."

"I have a life Damien."

"Oh so that mean abandon everything we talked about?"

"No, but things just change.."

Yikes. That can't be good.

He calmly but roughly grabbed her chin to make her look at him again. "The hell that supposed to mean, huh?"

She shrugged.

"I don't know who you been listening to or talking to about us," he jerked her with clenched teeth on that one, "or if you so called 'found yo worth', but I don't like it."

"I only meant my circumstances have changed Damien. I have rookies who need me, a team to lead, scholarships to apply for," she explained. "And you the same. Why are you trying to punish me?"

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