Tea Time

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Pep Rally Day


"Diamond if you late you know my mama has no problem killing you and then bringing you back to life. Then pulling you out of your rank," stressed Jabari on the other end of the phone.

Whenever I think I can wind down with some peace he calls. I still love him, but damn.

We made it to the end of band camp and today is the pep rally. Right now I'm sitting at my vanity straightening my hair. I'm glad to have that ponytail out, my scalp can finally breathe. I thought I was gonna have a bald spot.

"Side or middle part J?" I ask tuning him out.

"Side. Are you even listening to me?" he blew frustrated.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm trying not to."

"Okay! Be late if you want to, I'm warning you now!"

"Jabari. I'm not gonna be late it starts at 5:00, it's only 1:45," I explain.

"Did you forget y'all are marching in at 4:30? You need to be there by 3:00 and you know damn well it takes you more than an hour and a half to get ready. "

"What's wrong with trying to look your best?"

"Nothing, but looking your best ON TIME would be preferred. Don't let mama catch you pulling up any later than 3:15..Bye!"

"Whatever!!! Byeeeee!" We hung up. He gives me a headache sometimes Jesus!

Damn I can't see the back of my head.

"AMBER!" I shouted from my room. My room is in the basement, definitely not like a dingy situation, but kinda like a loft suite situation. I moved down here when I was in seventh grade and have the whole lower level to myself. I rarely go upstairs unless I'm eating.


If I have to call her one more time geez. I stay on the bottom floor but I know she hears me. I feel footsteps jogging down the stairs and Amber's head poked out from around the wall.

"Stop calling my name like you dying cuz you not."

"Can you do the back? I don't wanna burn myself." She walked up behind my chair failing to run her fingers through my naps.

"May as well let me do these roots too, I brought my hot comb cuz I just knew you wouldn't get 'em to lay flat," she said looking at me through the mirror and holding it up.

I shot a bird at her, "You're so trifling."

Lord knows Amber and Ivory are irritating as hell, but they are really talented. Both enrolled at Spelman as law and medical student by day, beautician and nail tech by night. When I was younger, I thought they were superhero's because it seemed like they did impossible stuff. I take full advantage of them when they're here because if anyone will have me looking right it's them. They also love to say, "You're our little sister, if you look like shit it reflects on us." Well, that's more so Amber than Ivory, because she genuinely cares. I have discovered over time that Amber is the nicer twin. She doesn't sweat the small stuff and stays in her own lane. Though they do everything together and get their hair done alike, she kinda lives in Ivory's shadow. It's not something that's brought up, but I see it clearly. Ivory is just.......*sigh*....her own type of person. I couldn't tell you three things about her life because for as long as I can remember, "it's never been any of my business." Vain and selfish doesn't begin to cover it, but there's no question that people look at Amber as the villain between the two and Ivory as the angel. That's the difference between a midnight blue girl and high yella girl. We all know who is in the unenviable position.

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