Tread Lightly

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      Throughout the first half hour before the start of the game, the band had been playing songs over and over, and we were dancing, keeping the crowd hype up until it was time for the boys to run out. Thank god for running cuts, if we didn't do those, I don't know how I would make it past one song. As the ace, I have to go on almost every rotation whether it's row by row, inside out, ace to tail, I'm ALWAYS getting up. I caught Nakia laughing at me under his breath whenever I had to "woo" from being worn out. Heiress is one big energizer bunny and it seems like she doesn't get tired. I need to get there immediately, but I guess this is normal for a crab. We can't really get up during the game, so Bodae and Tyrenzia brought us Gatorade to keep behind us to stay hydrated. It was clutch...especially after a fast song. As the sun was setting and the place continued to pack out, the scoreboard counted down the time for the players to run onto the field.

Sure enough their entrance was as grand as ever, with the sounds of the band accompanying them. It was like a reboot of energy for the stadium. They tore through an enormous wolf head with a big clouds of smoke around them, not to mention their numbers made them look very intimidating. I felt bad for the other team to be honest..apparently they always played a not-so-good team for their first home game to guarantee they don't lose on their own turf. That is a bit pathetic to me, but I guess what I think doesn't matter since I'm sitting way up here.

While the teams were setting up for the kick off, Taylor singled us down to the bottom row. "Put y'all capes on and hold hands in line, we're about to go take some pictures. I already let y'all parents know if they want one they better get one now," she said. "Hurry, hurry, we gotta get back in the stands."

Heiress took my hand, I took Jordyn's, she took Brandy's, so on and so forth..we walked up the steps in a single file until we reached the top where our family and friends were already waiting with their cameras ready to go.

"Awww sookie sookie now!" Granny shouted. "Look at you Tot with your belly out and everything," she joked. "Right, ain't she cute?" Amber cheesed. I had to bite down hard to get rid of the embarrassment.

"You gone mess around and be sick," Daddy tried to tell me. "I am not. Do you feel how hot it is out here???"

"So." he shrugged.

Ahhh I see, he's acting funny because I look a little more grown up than when I left the house this morning. flash I am growing up! Appearance wise. I'm still the same little girl. "Just think of it as a swimsuit," I attempted to open his mind.

"You ain't getting in no damn pool though..all these lil young niggas out here n shit.." "Oh my god, stop crying you big baby," I laughed hugging him. He tried to stay mad but he hugged me back. See, he's a gentle giant and I know exactly how to butter him up. He couldn't be angry at me if he wanted to.

"Topaz get off your high horse she's becoming a woman!" Mama slapped him on his chest. "Yeah Daddy, it happened to us, you can't stop it," agreed Ivory, referring to herself and her twin.

I almost wasn't paying attention to her standing there.

"I'm surprised you came," I made a shocked expression. "Don't be too shocked, Mama bribed me with her crocodile tears to come. God I hated this place," she looked around and shivered.

"Sure did. Evidently it worked!" she exclaimed sarcastically. All Mama ever wanted was for everyone to get along because of her relationship with her sister. That's the thing, we do all get along. Ivory does not like anyone, not even the bitch she shared a womb with. That's the issue. "You know it's supposed to be a white out, right? You're the only one wearing lavender..?" I looked at her outfit. Everyone, but her dressed accordingly. I mean it's not an obligation, but jeez..she definitely skipped over the numerous white pieces of clothing she owns. "Be glad I'm here at all," she turned up her nose. "You ain't in white. Why I gotta be?"

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