Pull Yourself Together

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Today is Friday, the first home game of the football season. I'm excited. I hadn't realized just how seriously the school and the city took this particular game. From the time I got here this morning, it was the only topic of conversation. There was gonna be a very big turnout apparently, which surprisingly didn't bother me. Because of what today is, school was more on the chill side. Most of my teachers allowed us to finish missing assignments if we needed to or hang out if that's what we wanted. All of the student body pretty much spent the day pre-gaming with all kinds of crazy stuff. Our mascot, the wolf, ran around the building pranking teachers and students when he could, adding to the already heavily decorated hallways. The walls, windows, and lockers were covered in turquoise and white pom poms, posters, spirit boards, and paw prints. I'm telling you, these kids played no games when it come to showing up for their school. I appreciated it.

Because we were home, the football players wore their jerseys all day, showing everyone who they were and strutting through the halls promising an undoubted win tonight. At a point it got annoying when they would huddle in the hallways being rowdy and my favorite pet peeve, throwing balls. We were inside for crying out loud! Can't you hang on until tonight goddamn. Anyway....Everyone in the band had jackets ordered, including the dolls, so we wore them today as well to represent. We had our names on the back of them, so that's what I assumed people were looking at when I felt staring. I thought back to the game from two weekends ago, "now they really can put a name to my face." Can you believe I heard someone say, "that's the girl who be messing up," ? I was like well shit you could at least TRY to say it when I'm not standing here with my back turned. But, like Heiress said I'm in the stands not them so just ignore it. To my delight, all of the girls made cuts this week, including yours truly! I also feel like Taylor just wanted to give us a pass to dance at home for the first time. I was glad everyone, especially Brandy, could finally march in together. I like to say there's strength in numbers and I trust that the fourteen of us will give em a show. I've had butterflies in my stomach all day. Don't worry, they were good butterflies, I just couldn't wait. We had early release at 2:00 this afternoon, the game would be starting at 5:30 this evening. The school released us early so the festivities for tonight can go ahead and kick off. Hell, a couple fans or family members I guess were already firing up grills and tailgating since noon. You could smell the burning charcoal through the student parking lot. Once again, these Arabia folk are coming all the way correct about this team. I suggest students get home and head on back to get a park, it wouldn't be an easy task if they showed back up at kick off.

With that being said, I got to miss art, meaning I got to dodge Damien. Thank you Jesus.

The girls were told to book it over to the dressing rooms to drop our stuff off before heading to eat. A couple of the parents cooked for the team and the band, so we would be fed before getting ready to perform/play. They set up in the new gym gallery, which I thought was dumb. It has very little air conditioning and is about to be max capacity with all of us athletes plus parents crammed in there, but it'll do. I'm starving. At least there was a nice view of the stadium. I could go ahead and tell you the first words out of my mama's mouth already when she steps in there. "Ugh who let the devil up in here?" I can see her moving around her pearls now. I forgot to bring my contact bag with me to school. If I didn't switch them out after being in class all day, then going to perform, my eyes were gonna be irritated. So of course mama was gone fly over here to make sure I had it. When she heard there will be food she was even more tempted.

"Nobody leave the dressing room until your uniform, wristlets, tights, and boots are in your bag! We're not dealing with lost items when we get back in here," Taylor stressed.

I had to hold in my laugh because every time it came to these uniforms she has to say this same speech. They are very bad at keeping up with simple stuff. While I'm on uniforms, I just wanna say Jabari and his mama did their absolute shit. They might be homemade but they look expensive. It's trimmed perfectly, the color is vibrant, and it fits like a glove. They should last the team for a long time, those vendors couldn't get the best of us. Yesterday when we tried them on for the first time, we were brainstorming names for it. Apparently it was a thing they had being doing for years. I thought it was a cute idea. All of the new uniforms are the same old uniforms, just new, so they kept their respective names. However the girls decided to name this particular one, Belly. It suits because the stomach is out in the front.

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