forty six

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"What?" Johnny asked as he stood up, he didn't know if he heard Doyoung correctly.

"I said," Doyoung answered out of breath, "She's awake,"

Mark's eyes widened slightly as he registered Doyoung's words, then he bolted out the door.

Mark rushed towards the medical bay, Johnny and Doyoung right on his tail. He slammed the door open making the people in the room look at him in surprise.

"Careful with that!" Kun scolded beside the hospital bed, but Mark didn't even hear him, all his attention was on her. He didn't know how long he stood there, and he didn't care.

Johnny broke the silence and entered the room, "How are you feeling?" He asked with a soft smile.

"Tired, but other than that I'm fine," Chaerin replied, breaking eye contact with Mark. She turned her head to Johnny and gave him a small smile.

"I'll go and tell the others," Kun announced as he went to leave the room.

"You scared the hell out of us, do you know that?" Johnny said with a slight reprimanding tone, shaking his head slightly.

Chaerin frowned as she felt the guilt creep up on her. "Sorry if I worried you, I'll be extra careful next time,"

"You better," Doyoung piped up and stood opposite to Johnny, "I'm really glad you're awake Chaerin,"

A silence fell upon them and Chaerin played around with her fingers as she felt a pair of eyes on her. Her mind racing with countless thoughts.

Johnny then broke the silence, "I'll help Kun contact or call the others, Doyoung would you help me?" He said, stressing the last part.

"You can do it yourself-" Johnny didn't give Doyoung any time to finish and quickly dragged him out of the room.

Silence enveloped the room once more and Chaerin thought of what to say, however as she lifted her eyes to meet Mark's, her mind went blank. His eyes stole all her words away.

Chaerin frowned slightly, Mark looked like hell. His cheeks have gotten more hollow and he had bags under his eyes.

Chaerin didn't know what to do or what to say, the last thing she remembers was that he was still mad at her and that they haven't talked in days.

Was he still mad at her?

As she was about to say something, Mark walked towards her and took her face in both of his hands. His eyes swirling with emotions, relief, worry, and maybe even adoration, she thought.

"God Chaerin, you don't know how worried I was about you, I felt like I was going insane," he whispered.

Chaerin blinked, how she missed him terribly.

"I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere," she replied, leaning into Mark's hand.

Chaerin still had hundreds of questions plaguing her mind but she chose not to pay mind to it at the moment.

For the second time, the door slammed open. The two jumped away from each other in surprise.

"Careful with the door!" Kun shouted from the hallway.

The members came pouring into the room, and Chenle ran to engulf Chaerin into a hug.

"Careful, careful! She's still injured!" Kun shouted once more, entering the room.

"Hi Chenle," Chaerin greeted softly with a smile.

"You're awake! How are you feeling?" Chenle asked, energetic as always. Mark tapped Chenle's shoulder to signal to give Chaerin some space.

"I'm good," she smiled. The other members then started asking questions about her condition and some started scolding her for worrying them, and by them, she means the dreamies and Ten.

After a few minutes of conversation, Kun spoke up, "Okay let Chaerin rest, she'll be allowed to transfer back to her room today so don't worry, now go leave and go back to work," Groans of protest erupted from the dreamies but the older members ushered them out of the room. Kun looked back to see that Mark stayed behind and he let him, "I'll be back to get you some food." He said to Chaerin and left the room.

"What happened?" Mark asked quietly once they were left alone. He wanted to know, yet he was still dreading the answer.

Chaerin looked in Mark's direction, he was sitting next to her bed. He started playing around with Chaerin's fingers and she watched for a while before answering.

"I think they were more prepared than they were before," she started, "They also anticipated some of the routes I took," Mark hummed in response, listening intently. "I got shot in the shoulder first, then they cut my line with Ten. There was more shooting afterward, I don't think I got shot again, I don't remember. I just remember trying to lose them before taking a route back home,"

Glass shards filled her skin that day and she was drenched in blood. Mark cringed remembering the image.

Chaerin held Mark's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, "I'm fine,"

"And what if you weren't? What will I do then?" Mark asked his voice slightly shaking.

"You know better than to think that I'm going to leave you without a fight."

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