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Chaerin stared outside the window where the lower years were enjoying physical education, well some were, some not very much. The others were probably cussing out the coach for making them go through an obstacle course.

She chuckled at the thought and went back to paying attention to the teacher, which at the moment was discussing something about music and art.

All of a sudden the door of the classroom opened and two boys entered. Everyone in the classroom stared at the newcomers in silence.

The Chinese boy raised his eyebrow and glared at the people openly staring at them, causing them to panic and whip their heads anywhere but in his direction.

Mr. Min, the professor of the class at the moment, glared at the boys with irritation. The number one unspoken rule in his class is to not be late, he loathes tardy students.


The Chinese boy was about to argue with the teacher, yet the other crescent eyed boy held him back and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Anything to say, Huang? How about you Lee?"

"Nothing Sir," Lee Jeno responded for both of them, leading Huang Renjun to their seats.

Eyes followed both boys but another glare from Renjun and every student focused their attention back to their annoyed music teacher.

That's the fourth time this week they were tardy.

"I bet they got in a fight again,"

"What do you think they did this time?"

"I'm surprised they haven't been suspended yet,"

Hushed voices and whispers circulated around the classroom, students discretely stealing glances from the two boys seated at the back row.

Chaerin rolled her eyes at their conversations, damn people are so nosy.

"I heard one of them was arrested alrea-"

"Don't you think it's too noisy?" I said out loud, irritation seeping into my words.

Her classmates looked at her with wide eyes before quickly looking away not wanting to make eye contact.

Chaerin glanced at the back row to see that Renjun was almost about to snap but she beat him to it. Jeno gave me her eye smile as a thank you and she shot him a small smile.

She let out an annoyed sigh, thinking about how people are so quick to judge other people without actually knowing them personally. Is their life that boring?

Chaerin herself didn't know their friend group personally except for Jaemin, since they were acquaintances.

Their friend group was infamous around campus, hundreds of rumors spreading about who they were associated with, and what they did.

People speculate that they're in sketchy business, since they usually miss class and arrive late frequently, not to mention that they attend class with injuries, several cuts and bruises.

Chaerin rested her head on her palm and a certain dark brown-eyed boy flashed in her mind. She frowned, confused at the thought.

After half an hour, the bell finally rung and students rushed out their seats. She then picked up her bag and began walking to the door when she heard her name being called.


She turned around and saw Jeno with a still irritated yet more calm Renjun tailing behind him.

"What's up?" She asked.

"I just wanted to thank you for earlier," Jeno said sincerely.

"It's no problem," she smiled in response, "If some people bother you guys again, feel free to tell me," she shrugged.

Jeno smiled at her with appreciation. "Noted, thank you,"

Renjun looked up and offered her a small smile as well, "Thank you Chaerin,"

"Always be careful," She waved goodbye.

• • •

It was currently 7:16 pm, and Chaerin was walking to the nearest corner cafe in her neighborhood.

She a figured a change of scenery and food might help since she's been staring at her textbook and notes for the past hour with no avail.

A small bell rang once she entered and she was greeted by the smell of coffee and cinnamon.

Chaerin walked up to the counter to order some hot chocolate and a slice of strawberry and cream cake.

The cafe overall was very cozy and was surrounded by fall colors. There weren't many people, just one occupied table and the barista.

A small nook in the corner caught her attention.

She began taking things out of her bag, when they called her name, signaling her order was ready. Muttering a small thank you to the barista, she picked up the tray.

Turning around to head back to her table, a loud and sharp sound resonated throughout the cafe, making her drop the tray to the floor.

Turning around to head back to her table, a loud and sharp sound resonated throughout the cafe, making her drop the tray to the floor

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More of a filler chapter and introduction to the other characters. Hope you guys are all doing well!


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exhilarating | mark lee

exhilarating | mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now