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Finally it was a Friday.

Chaerin quickly tossed her bag to the side and removed her jacket, setting it on the couch when she arrived home.

Turning off all the lights, she switched the TV on and flopped herself on the sofa with a blanket or two.

After a few minutes of watching a random show she found on Netflix, sleep was slowly creeping up on her, and after only a few seconds, she fell into a deep slumber.

• • •

The tv show was still playing in the background when she woke up, and Chaerin sat up taking in her surroundings first before glancing at the clock.


Still disoriented, she tried to look for the remote so she could switch off the television.

When suddenly a small creak of the door caught her attention.

Feeling like a bucket of cold water was poured on her, her shoulders tensed and all the previous sleep from her body left instantly and was replaced with alarm and panic.

Chaerin was familiar with the sound of the back door, due to the fact that she used to sneak out of that door all the time. However, last time she checked, she definitely locked it.

Slowly, trying to make as minimal noise as possible, she removed the blankets and crouched down on the floor. She reached up the table to look for her phone and car keys, unfortunately, she only found the latter.

Muttering a curse word internally, she surveyed the area for any movement. Continuing the search for her phone while paying attention to any slight movement or noise.

Footsteps slowly inched closer, making her quicken her movements. As she felt the familiar item in her grasp, she let out a small sigh of relief. Nevertheless, it is too early to celebrate in her case.

Chaerin scanned the room that was covered in darkness, the only light source coming from the television screen. She tried to use this to her advantage.

She carefully maneuvered around the furniture, making her way closer to the front door. She lifted her head slightly, two shadowy figures entering her line of vision, making her breath hitch. They slowly approached the couch she previously was seated in.

Think fast Chaerin,

She then grabbed the nearest object in her reach, that being a small decorative vase on the table.

There are 2 people inside at the moment and maybe 2 or 3 more waiting at the back, she thought, looking at all her options.

Taking the risk, she waited for the perfect moment before throwing the vase near the back door.

The sound of the glass shattering against the wall was loud and clear, grabbing the attention of the two figures who were quick on their feet and approached the source of the noise.

Without delay, she got up on her feet and opened the front door stealthily, still trying to not make a sound.

Once she was out, she ran to her car, locking the door and starting the engine. She then pulled out of the driveway hastily.

Chaerin pulled out her phone once she was on the road and called Mark.

"Pick up, Pick up, Pick up,"

After three rings, he did.



"Chaerin? Is something wrong?" He asked, noticing the tone in her voice.

"Someone broke in my house," she replied out of breath, placing the phone on loudspeaker and on her lap.

"What? Chaerin where are you now?" Multiple footsteps could be then heard in the background.

"I managed to escape, I'm driving," she glanced at the rearview mirror, immediately muttering a curse word as she did.

"Where are you exactly?"

"They're following me," She then took a sharp turn to the right, managing not to hit other cars. "Uh, 78 Gwang-sil road,"

"Okay, Chaerin listen to me closely," She hummed a response still focused on driving, "I need you to lose them, can you do that?"

"That I think I can do,"


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exhilarating | mark lee

exhilarating | mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now