I'm Not Jealous!!

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-Hey, I'm not jealous! It's just that I think that Alejandro guy is a bit strange!

-Camilo, I get it. You're jealous that I've been bringing Alejandro everywhere with us lately.

-No, it's not..

-Don't worry mi amor. You are still my one and only. You are my camaléon. And you'll forever be my camaléon. No one can take your spot. Okay?

-I appreciate that... but I'm not..


-... okay...

Camilo was confronting you about Alejandro. A few weeks had passed since his arrival. You knew he was just jealous, so you just told him that he was your one and only. His eyes shined once he heard that. You laid a gentle kiss on his nose and smiled at him. He hugged you tight.

  -It's just.. I don't want to lose you... I love you YN.. do you really have to go with him tonight? I have a bad feeling about this.

  -Awhhhh I love you too! I would never leave you! And he just wants to talk! It can't be bad! I know him for years now. Don't worry. Everything's gonna be fine. Let's go now. He's waiting for us.

  With all of that, you almost forgot you two were in public. You got a bit far for the crowd to talk in private but Alejandro was still eating for you two, watching from afar. As you moved through the crowd to get back to him, he smiled at you. Just at you.

  -Ah there you are! What were you two talking about.

  -Couple stuff. Maybe when you get a girlfriend you'll understand.

  Camilo said in a cold tone. The atmosphere went dense again. You decided to break the ice someway.

  -Well, I am REALLY thirsty! I'll get water for us three.

  -Thanks YN, but I'm good.

  -Can you bring me some, amor?

  -Sure! You two hold on a bit.

  You didn't want to leave those two alone, but you also didn't want to be in the middle of them. Once you got far enough, Alejandro grabbed Camilo by his arm and pulled him closer.

  -Listen here, I don't like you, you don't like me. I don't know what YN saw in you, but you aren't good enough for her. She's perfect, you're a reckless, foolish, brainless, borish Madrigal! I bet you don't have a single penny to your name. Don't forget your place. I know her better than you do. And I can grant you, she isn't into you.

  -Excuse me?! She chose me for some reason. I may not have much money, but I love her more than your stupid money could ever buy. Plus, if you loved her that much, why didn't you stay? Listen now, get away from her.

  -How do you think she would react to her dear amor, threatening her best friend?

  Camilo just stared at Alejandro, like he wanted to punch him with his look. Alejandro let go of Camilo's arm just in time to YN to arrive with the water. Alejandro immediately gave a playful smile, while Camilo just looked at the side with a worried expression.

  -So... what did I miss? What were you two talking about?

  -Oh nothing! I was just telling Camilo how I loved his fashion sense!

  -Oh that's great! ...uh amor? The agua you asked for..

  -Hm? Oh Yhea, gracias mi vida..

  -Well, it's getting late. YN, shouldn't we take Camilo home? Between you and me, he looks very pale. He may be sick.

~♡︎𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝙰𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏♡︎~ Where stories live. Discover now