A Visitor

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Around 2~3 months had already passed by ever since you and Camilo started dating. And your relationship was pretty good. Sometimes, when you hang out at his place and tried to get some arepas, he would distract you with being all lovey dovey just to steal your arepas. Sometimes he was such a child!

One day, you woke up and got ready to leave your home again. But once you got downstairs to eat your father wanted to talk to you. It seemed important.

-Mihija, we have news for you.

-Good news or bad news?

-Depends on how you see it.

-Alright... what is it?

-Do you remember a friend of yours when you were little? Alejandro Gárcia?

-Alejandro? OH! Alejandro! Yhea I remember him! We were best friends before he left Encanto. What about him?

When you were just a kid, you didn't have many friends. That was until Alejandro came along. You two were best friends for a few years. That was until a day. The day he left Encanto. Apparently, he and his family went to live in Europe.

-Bien, we received a letter from his parents. They are coming back to Encanto!

-Wha.. Are you serious?! Oh my god that is great! When are they coming? In a week? In a month?

-You see dear, the letter says "in a week" but this letter was supposed to come a week ago so..


You were so excited! You couldn't wait to see Alejandro again! How different was he from when you last saw him? Your mother explained how they should be coming at any minute. That made you jump from the table and go outside to see if you could spot him.

You walked through a sea of people in hopes to find Alejandro at his old home. In the way, you made sure to check out every detail to air sure you wouldn't miss if he passed by. When you got to the home that used to belong to Alejandro's family, you saw three people by the door. A mom, a dad and a teenage boy.

The boy had curly hair tied up in a messy bun and wore a red vest. You didn't know if that could be Alejandro but it didn't hurt to try.


The boy turned around with a confused face. But when he saw you, his face shined with joy.


It was Alejandro! You ran up to him and hugged him tight! You missed him so much! He was your childhood best friend after all!

-Alejandro! I missed you so much! You changed so much!

-I changed? What about you?! You changed a whole damn lot!

-Where have you been all this time? You missed so much!!

-I believe! I want to see everything! Everything that changed! Like if I was new here!

-If your mother doesn't mind..

You looked over to his mom, and she nodded and smiled. So you took Alejandro's hand and started showing him everything new. Everything different. Everything in general. That was until you had a great idea.

-Ooh! I know! I want to introduce you to someone!

-Okay? Lead the way then!

You started taking Alejandro to the place where you and Camilo met everyday. Once you got there, Camilo had just arrived as well.

-There you are! I was starting to get worried! Hey, who's the guy?

Camilo held your hands to make it extra dramatic. That was when he saw Alejandro. His expression was confused as he looked at him and back at you. You slid your hands off from Camilo's and walked over to Alejandro.

-It's great you ask really! Alejandro, this is Camilo. Camilo, this is Alejandro. He was my childhood best friend before he left, but now he's back in town and I wanted you two to meet.

For some reason, nor Alejandro, nor Camilo looked amused or happy with the opportunity. But at least Camilo went with it.

-Well.. hello Alejandro. It's a pleasure.. I'm Camilo Madrigal

-Yhea.. the pleasure is mine. So you're friends with the amazing Madrigal's? Congrats on that.

-Alright! See? You guys are doing great! Camilo, you wouldn't mind if Alejandro tagged along today right?

-.. I guess it's okay..


For the day, you hang out with Alejandro and Camilo. But, you felt as if they were always glancing over to each other. Not in a friendly kind of way. But as if they wanted to shoot lasers from their eyes.

Eventually, you decided to get some food for the market. Just to grab a bite. After buying a few arepas for everyone, you three sat on a bench eating. Camilo devoured his food in seconds. As usual. But as you and Alejandro were still eating, Alejandro pointed out to Camilo's shoes.

-What are those?

-Hm? My sandálias, why?

-Oh nothing, nothing. It's just that in Europe, we use like, actual normal shoes.

-Is there anything wrong with sandálias?

-Oh of course you wouldn't know the difference! Don't worry, your shoes are fine for you.

-What do you mean by that?

-Oh nothing, don't worry.

Well, that was an awkward moment. You just slowly continued eating as the atmosphere went heavier and heavier. That was until Camilo slid his hand over your shoulder to use his little "steal food trick". As you were being distracted by Camilo's talk, he stole one arepa from you. When he showed you, you just giggled at him.

-Oh my god.. you're stupid!

-You're the one who always falls for that!

-Hey wait.. why is he talking like that to you? Isn't that a bit too much for friends?

-Oh princesa, you didn't tell him? Me and YN have been dating for a few months now.

Alejandro just looked shocked at you two while Camilo gave you a quick kiss as proof.

-What's wrong Alejandro?

-Nothing. Nothing. I'm happy for you two.

-Awhhh, your friend is so nice princesa. Thank you Alejandro.

Alejandro forced a smile to Camilo's words.

~♡︎𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝙰𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏♡︎~ Where stories live. Discover now