1. Summer

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I wanna give a shout out to Lesbilove143 for collaborating with me on this story! These are brand new characters, never written on my page or her page before. Friend did a dope ass job writing Diamond's POV & I am beyond proud of her. I hope y'all enjoy. Don't forget to vote, & comment & check out her page. 🥳💞

Summer's Pov

I always knew my sister would pass away before me, but sitting at her funeral still hurt me more than I imagined. Anastasia was too tired to keep fighting her battle with leukemia for 11 and a half years. She didn't even make it to 12.

At first, I wanted to be angry. I wanted to be selfish and keep her with me. I wanted to watch her grow and do so much more with her life than I've done with mine.

For the last eleven years, all I've known is being her caregiver. My sister was my life. And now she's gone.

"She's not hurting anymore." A voice said but I was too zoned out to care who it was coming from.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Another one said and then a hand rubbed my back.

"Wanna get out of here?" My best friend, Ashleigh, asked, approaching me after watching the fourth person in a row give their condolences.

It still didn't feel real. We really buried my little sister and she's never coming back to me.

My heart is so broken, I don't know what to do with myself but I know I can't go back to the house with all these people and my fake ass parents.

Hell yeah I want to leave.

"Yeah." I nod.

Ashleigh grabbed my arm and led me to her car where the rest of my group of friends stood sadly.

"Hey girl." Treasure, Ashleigh's girlfriend pulled me into a hug first.

"I got the snacks ready for us at the house." Hanna, my second best friend said, wrapping her arms around me.

"Kay, let's go." I said and swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

Ashleigh opened the back door for me to slide in and then slipped in behind me once I scooted in the middle.

"Guys, it's been like two months since we all were present for a smoke sesh." Hanna said when we were on the road and the cemetery disappeared behind us.

We all been real tight since middle school, way before mama had Anastasia so they knew me before I lost myself over the years. They were my only real family besides my sister.

Ashleigh leaned her head on my shoulder and sighed.

"I can't wait to getchu high, girl. It's Friday. You ain't got no job." She chuckled and then the rest of the car erupted in laughter too.

As far as I could remember, Ashleigh could always make me laugh. That was something I loved about the brown skinned beauty. She was smaller than us and petite but she had the heart of a giant and outshined everybody so her size never mattered.

Ashleigh's girlfriend, Treasure was the exact opposite. She was tall and lanky like a bean stalk and her skin was the same peanut butter color as mine. She had long dreads with the sides shaved off and the swag of a Californian surfer but it fit her.

When we got to Ashleigh's apartment, I got out first and headed inside. The sun was hurting my eyes since I had been crying the last couple of hours and I had a headache.

Anastasia's funeral was over but my heartbreak was just beginning.

Before I could sit and get to thinking about my life, Ash hopped on the couch next to me and stuck a blunt in between my fingers.

"Light it up." She grinned, showing off purple braces.

I didn't waste any time flicking the lighter because I was ready to cloud my mind too.

The blunt went around rotation a few times and before I knew it, I was high and I didn't want to think about Anastasia anymore.

"Let's go on vacation." Hanna said as she rolled another blunt. Treasure nodded and looked over at me and Ashleigh.


"The beach." I answered, remembering the last conversation I had with Anastasia.

She wanted me to go to the beach instead of hang around her death bed but I couldn't bring myself to go. Not without her. And she was way too weak to make that trip but I did promise her I would go.

And I planned on keeping that promise.

"So, y'all wanna get an Airbnb or a hotel? How long you wanna stay, Summer?" Hanna asked.

"Probably an Airbnb." Treasure said as she opened a bag of pretzels.

Without Anastasia, I didn't have any other responsibilities because I still stayed with my parents while I took care of her. So it didn't matter how long we stayed, I was just dreading going back there without my baby sister.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not really tryna go back home anytime soon..." I sighed and wiped at the tears blurring my vision.

Ash pulled me closer and rubbed my back soothingly.

"You can stay with us. Our lease is almost up and we can all get a place big enough." She offered with a smile that I couldn't return.

I'm almost twenty five  years old, well twenty four but basically thirty and I've never moved out of my parents house.

"So I can be the only straight one in the house? Hell no." Hanna laughed and passed the new blunt to Treasure. I laughed and shook my head at her.

"What am I? I sack of potatoes?" I said, smiling just a little. Ashleigh giggled next to me and smacked her lips.

"Best friend, we're all just waitin' for you to come out the closet." She said before laughing again.

They swear I'm gay because I didn't waste time entertaining the thirsty men in Kansas City and they were probably right but I haven't really sat around and thought about my sexuality enough to "come out the closet".

I shook my head again but I knew not to talk anymore on the subject because then they would all jump down my throat about finding a girlfriend or a sneaky link and I wasn't in the mood for that.

"Aight so, look what I found." Hanna lifted up the iPad in her hand and showed it to us briefly.

"I can't see that shit, girl." I told her as I tapped the blunt in the ashtray.

"You gonna be okay, best friend?" Ash asked as we waited for Treasure to finish looking at whatever Hanna had found.

No, I'm not going to be okay. But I didn't want to think about it. So I nodded and forced out a smile.

"Don't lie." She whispered, looking down at me.

"No. I don't know who I am without Ana." I confessed with tears in my eyes.

"Here, y'all. Pass that shit." Treasure interrupted us and smiled.

When me and Ashleigh put our focus on the iPad, the beach house we were looking at was beautiful.

Ana would have loved it.

"You guys like it?" Hanna asked as we swiped through pictures. After a few seconds, I nodded. Ash gave a thumbs up next.

"Good, 'cause I booked it for 7 days. We leave tomorrow morning."

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