ꅐꃬꏂꋪꏂ ꒐ꑄ ꂵꐞ ꒒ꉻ꒦ꏂ?

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"Edward?" You called out strongly as you heard the sound of sharp breathing somewhere in your small little room. 

There wasn't a response, but your room began to dance with the gentle shade of orange, as the sun began to set behind the strong oak tree, the one you had viewed with Edward every night with the rising moon. 

You shrugged you let out a pained sigh, you threw your jacket to your bed before you threw open the closet door. 

There was a lump somewhere in the black darkness, and so it would be revealed as you tugged on the beaded string, the light blinding your eyes. 

There was Edward, hugging his knees as sobs escaped his chest, he was a mess, he looked like a mess, and yet he looked so perfect. The bag under his eyes was darker, as his iris flamed a black color. 

"Y/N, I'll be with you soon." He whispered put as if it pained him to even speak. 

"What are you talking about I'm right here!?" You rushed to his side, as you placed your hand on his arm but he didn't move, didn't even look up. 

He couldn't feel you. 

"I promised... I can't do any of this without you... if I can't have you... if you aren't on this earth there is nothing else for me to live for. I love you Y/N." the tears raced down his solid pale cheeks, as he lit a match with his shaky hands, the blazing orange appeared on the little stick, the tips just shinning with a little blue, but as you stare into it you couldn't feel the heat radiating off of it. 

"But I'm right here!" You felt the tears bulge in your eyes as your tried to shake his arm but it didn't move. 

"I'M RIGHT HERE!" You stood up now as you screamed the tears falling down your cheeks. "DMAN IT LOOK AT ME! DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME! I'M RIGHT HERE!" Your voice cracked as the sea emerged from your eyes. 

There once was a time when all we knew was innocence, in fact, we didn't even know what it was. Unaware of the very pain that eats at this world, unaware of all the problems that emerge and try to swallow you whole. Unaware of the pain that grips your organs inside and pulls and pulls till you are all ripped apart into pieces. Until there is nothing left, besides your blood, besides the memories of who you once were, dead in the pain, in the troubling that this world takes and takes from you. 

A house of cards gets built. 

With the most steady hands, each card is placed on top of the other, with such gentle precision so it won't fall. 

Are all houses of cards fragile? Or has our's just been misplaced? Stacked wrong? 

With one blow, one shake, the entire house falls, another card flying away, some to built again, others missing from the gust, neve to be seen again as it slides under the fridge. 

A house of cards gets built. 

To be knocked down. 

A house of cards can be rebuilt. 

But sometimes

People just give up

Sometimes there is just no use rebuilding what once was. 

Sometimes there is no desire to try again. 

Edward Cullen x Reader~𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒔Where stories live. Discover now