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The morning sunlight streamed in through the window with a faint sparkle as your eyes slowly awoke to the bleak of day. Ou sat upright at once as you felt like some slow yet beat song, as you climbed right out of bed. You ran to your drawer before you slipped on a pair of ripped jeans, and an off-the-shoulder yellow ruffled shirt.

You brushed the brush through your hair before you just let it be, You glanced out the window as you saw the sliver Volo, and who leaning against the side of it, no other than Edward Cullen himself.

His eyes caught yours, and it looked like he had been there for a while, but once he saw you the corners of his lips curl up into a bright smile.

You waved at him with a bright grin, as he waved back.

Your heart jumped and fluttered before you grabbed your phone from your bed slipped it into your pocket and almost at once you swung open your door and ran down the steps not even worrying about Karoassa hearing you as you ran out the front door, she wouldn't care if you would be missing for the day.

You ran to the side of the house, where the shiny Volvo and the man were waiting.

You didn't care about the night before as you ran to him, his arms catching you and you ran into them, his cold stoneness meeting you.

There were three things you were absolutely positive of. First, Edward Cullen was not human. Second, There was a light side to him, a side that you knew. And third, You were unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight, For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." He quoted Romeo as he hugged you tighter when he did, as you wrapped your arms as tight as you possibly could around his waist, not caring whether or not he could breathe.

"This is what you meant by you'll meet me, huh?" You questioned with an when you had broken apart but his arm was still around your shoulders.

He nodded softly as he looked down at you with a smile but his eyes seemed sorrowful.

He held open the passenger door as you slipped in, and just as you could imagine it, it looked still new, the interior was all black, and there wasn't a flaw in sight.

"I think you are going to like where we are headed." He spoke softly as he hopped in the car, his hand placing on the wheels.

He sped off not even a moment later, and you looked at his face, as he flipped on the radio.

"Purcell, dido & aeneas" You told as you listen to the keys of the piano.

"Very good." He nodded as your eyes followed the perfect curves of his face, all the way down to the natural curve of his shoulders, to his arms, and his hands that were gripped against the wheel.

Your eyes then floated down to the speedometer, he was past the speed minute, not by a little, but he was going almost as fast the car would take him, and yet you felt as though you weren't moving at all.

"Edward Cullen has an iPhone." You chuckled out as you shook your head.

"What's so funny about that?" he grinned as he let out a breath.

"You just seem so old, like you would still have a flip phone o something." You joked as his eyes peered over to you with a smile.

"You should open the glove box." You listened to his voice as it sounded like he was trying to hold in a laugh.

You leaned forwards as your hand unlatched the smooth black opening, and what do you know an old silver flip phone slide-out afterward.

"I don't use it, but I have one." he chuckled out loud as you felt him watch you carefully.

Edward Cullen x Reader~𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒔Where stories live. Discover now