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The was barely any light that showed into your eyes, as they slowly opened, it was a grayish color, shining in through a small little window. 

Your head felt heavy as you tried to lift yourself up and beside you a stream of spewed-up stomach contents. 

That's right. 

It was just a dream. 

He wasn't there. 

You looked around for a minute as you winced, as sharp pains went through your head and your stomach, your joint felt wobbly as you barely even tried to stand. 

He must have drugged you, but why? 

If he loved you...?

It was all a joke, all a plan, just to get the feast, the sacrifice. You told yourself in a hissed voice as you remembered the articles you had read online. 

"Edward?" You tried your best to call out, but you were feeble, your mouth dry, and yet the taste of what was by your side was faint, as your throat was dry and cracked. 

You noticed the heaviness on your wrists as you looked down to see the zip tie. 

Real sturdy  You laughed in your head as you looked around at the dark still room, it was like a normal room of a house, or of an apartment, except the lights were off, and the window, was small, a little too small for comfort. 

"Where?" You stumbled up, but once you stood up you felt like your whole body could just fold over like a useless crumbled paper, that is all that you thought of yourself as. 

Crumbled little paper, for people to use and dispose of like you meant nothing to the higher people above you. 

You sat back down on the floor as your head landed against the wall, your eyes felt like they were physically sharing as the room moved. 

Gosh, what did he put in those drinks?  You wondered as you shrank down within yourself. 

You tried to stay awake, as you looked around the room, not ready for whatever could happen while you slept. 

You stayed sitting against the wall though as you placed your head gently in your knees. You could escape, run out the door knock it down, but your body was too spinning, it was caught in a tornado, like you had been thrown around over and over like a rag doll, only to be locked up to drain until you reached death. 

You got up again as you assumed minutes were past but you weren't quite sure, you tried your back across the room without falling as you held onto the wall. 

There were small mirrors sitting on a dresser that looked to be about on its last life. Your eyes fluttered to it curiously, as you saw yourself. Your hair was a mess, your skin had a gray tint to it, and the bags under your eyes didn't help. 

"How long have I've been here?" You touched the side of your face to the bruise on your cheek before you spun around quickly, a rush of adrenaline sweeping over you as you began to tear up the room looking for anything. 

There was nothing but scraps, an empty room, every dresser, empty, a few crawling bugs here and there, and that didn't help with the giant smell of blood that coated the room and the dark black carpet that must have lived through aches. 

You made your way for the door, as you tried to twist the handle, but it turned, and the door opened with the smallest squeak. 

The hallway reeked even more of blood, as the light streamed into your eyes. 

Edward Cullen x Reader~𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒔Where stories live. Discover now