"Touch me" 🎶

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December 2021.
Amani's house.
7:45 pm.

"You went to a vegan restaurant?" Mani asked and Avi nodded, chewing on some popcorn. They were watching 13 going on 30 in Mani's living room. "Why do you sound surprised?" Avi'anna asked, "are we going to act like you don't hate vegans?" Mani laughed and Avi'anna smiled, looking back at the TV.

"I don't. I just- strongly dislike them" Avi'anna shrugged, "yet you're dating one" Mani pointed out and Avi'anna shook her head quickly. "1. We are not dating 2. She is a vegetarian, it's different" Avi'anna corrected, but Mani just rolled her eyes. "Then what y'all doing?" "Just hanging out..." "Hanging out? For the past two days? I bet y'all are hanging out tonight" "we're not. I told her I had to grade papers" "oh, so you lied" "I did not lie. I do have to grade one paper" they laughed.

"Why you don't wanna hang out with her? Too many red flags?" "No and that's the problem, she's so sweet, and she makes me feel so good. Like I can't think straight when I'm around her, I've only known her for 2 days, and she's making me feel things, unspeakable things" "Damn girl, I haven't ever heard you speak like this about a girl" "exactly" Avi'anna sighed.

"I need you to tell me something about her that I won't like" "okay, like what?" "Anything" "I don't know. I don't know much about Stoney, I do know she comes from a good family, and they own like hella shit in this town. We didn't go to the same school or anything like that, but I have heard she's a flirt. Like she calls everyone pet names and a number of girls have slept with her" Mani answered, putting popcorn in her mouth.

"Okay, thank you" Avi'anna mumbled, "you're welcome. You good?" Mani asked as Avi'anna didn't look away from the TV. "Yeah, Ima go get me another soda" Avi'anna got off the couch and walked towards the kitchen. "I should've known" Avi'anna mumbled. She didn't think that Stoney would be into her, I mean they did meet two days ago, but it kinda hurts knowing that there was a chance that Stoney was just being her friendly flirty self and just wanted to be friends with her.

"Avi your phone is ringing" Mani told her, and Avi jogged to the couch, "hello?" Avi'anna said, confused on who was calling her. "Hey, I'm not bothering you, am I?" Stoney's voice came through the phone. "Nope" Avi'anna smiled, "good, I'm outside your building. I have a surprise" "my building? Right now?" "Yup" Stoney nodded, even tho Avi couldn't see her.

"Um I'm not home, but I'll meet you there in about 15. Is that okay?" "Yeah. See you then" she hung up, and Avi's eyes widened as she looked at her best friend. "Damn, you're leaving me for a girl you're not even dating yet??" She joked, and Avi grabbed her stuff and put on her jacket. "I'll see you later. Love you" "love you, let me know how it goes" Avi nodded and walked to her car.
Avi'anna pulled up to her building and she saw Stoney's truck, she was in the guest parking.

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