"Ring The Alarm" 🎶🐝

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Jealousy, Jealousy 😅
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January 2022.
2 days later.
8:38 pm.

"I really want you to come" "Am I even allowed in the cub? I'm only 20.." "I know the person who owns the club" "of course you do" Avi'anna playfully rolled her eyes. "How is there even a club in this town? All y'all Muslim" Avi'anna replied making Stoney laughed as she curled her hair.

"I guess I'll come, but you have to take me to get waterburger tomorrow" Avi'anna said, "done" Stoney did her happy dance and Avi'anna laughed. "I gotta go get ready, I'll see you later" Avi'anna smiled, "bye beautiful" Stoney hung up and Avi'anna got out the bed and Immediately called Mani.

"Yessss" she answered with a face mask on, "I need your help with an outfit" "I'm honored. Where are you going?" "Club with Stoney and her friend" "my cousin?" She asked and Avi'anna nodded, "oh, I'm going too. I also think you should wear that dress that..."
1 Hour later.

Stoney helped Avi'anna out of the car and held her hand, knowing how Avi'anna didn't like crowds. "Bestie" Mani called, getting Avi'anna attention, and they walked over to the line. "Hi" they hugged "hey Stoney" Mani greeted, and Stoney gave her a head nod with a low wassup.

They didn't wait in the line long, and Stoney let Avi'anna's hand go as she hugged Maliyah, she kissed her cheek and Liyah introduced a couple different girls to her and Avi'anna eyed them and how Stoney hugged each girl and laughed with them. "This is Avi" Stoney introduced Avi'anna to her best friend, "nice to officially meet you" Liyah gave Avi'anna a hug.

"Ring the alarm
I been through this too long
But I'll be damn if I see another chick on your arm
Won't you ring the alarm?
I been through this too long
But I'll be damn if I see another chick on your arm"

"Let's go get a drink" Mani said noticing her best friend's face, "does she really need to hug all those girls?" Avi'anna mumbled. "You know the one in the pink skirt is her ex" Mani told Avi'anna, then took a sip of her drink. "Really?" Avi'anna asked, assuming Mani knew since this was her hometown.

"Yup and here her cheating ass come" Mani said, rolling her eyes. "Can I talk to her alone?" Stoney asked, attitude in her tone and a slight mug on her face. Mani rolled her eyes then walked away. "Why are you sitting here with that look on your face? You're too pretty for that" Stoney said walking up to Avi'anna's chair, and she was about to touch her, but Avi'anna swatted her hand away making Stoney's face scrunch up.

"What I do?" Stoney asked, knowing that look all too well. "Why are you hugging on girls you've messed with? I don't like that" Avi'anna asked, and Stoney gave Avi a confused look then she chuckled. "You playing right?" Stoney asked, not trying to get mad. "Nope" Avi'anna shrugged.

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