Chapter 16

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*Bonnie and Caroline walk up to her*

Bonnie:Thank God,you are okay.

Caroline:We we're so worried.

Sierra: I'm fine,just happy to be back home with my family.Speaking of family.Where is Elena?

*Bonnie and Caroline look at each other*


Caroline:She was surrounded by vampires that went to her room and ripped out her heart.

Sierra:What?Where is my sister?Where is Elena??Don't lie to me.

Bonnie:I'm so sorry.

*Sierra cries*


*Bonnie and Caroline hug Sierra*

*Sierra cries*


*Stefan and Damon walk in*

Stefan:We are so sorry.

*Damon looks down*

Sierra:I'm going to kill her.Elena was my family and she took her from me.I'm going to kill her.

Stefan:Maybe you need some rest this is still new,we can discuss this in the morning.

*Stefan tries to hold her hand but Sierra let's go*

Sierra:What is there to discuss Stefan,Katherine will die.It's just a matter of time.

*Sierra goes upstairs to her room*

*She looks at all the pictures she took with Elena,Caroline,and Bonnie*

*Sierra grabs a picture of Elena and rips it into pieces as she cries,she begins trashing her room,and ripping everything,Sierra cries,then suddenly she doesn't feel another*

*Her subconscious mind turns off her humanity*

Next Morning

Stefan:Are you okay?

Sierra:No.*Sierra fake cries*

Stefan:Sierra,it's going to be okay.You don't have to turn your humanity off.Just feel.It's okay to feel.

*Stefan hugs her*

*Sierra cracks Stefan's neck*

*Stefan falls to the floor*

Sierra:That's not your choice to make.

*Sierra walks away as she goes to the bar*

With Bonnie and Caroline

Bonnie:Damon called me and told me Sierra turned her humanity off and snapped Stefan's neck.

Caroline:We have to help her.

With Sierra

Sierra:Can I have another drink?

Bartender:Ok,I'm going to have to cut you off.

*Sierra grabs his arm*

Sierra:Here's the thing,my sister just died.

Bartender:Oh,I'm sorry for your loss.

Sierra:Oh,no,no,no I don't care about that.I'm just saying that your tequila is the only thing that seems to be helping me.-

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