Chapter 10

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*Midnight after they were all dropped home*

Girl:Did you miss me?

Stefan:Katherine.How'd you get out of the tomb?

*Katherine smiles, while cutely playing with her hair*

*Stefan vamp speeds behind Katherine and tries to choke her*

*Katherine chuckles*

Katherine:Always stay one step ahead of your enemy.

Stefan:What do I have to do for you to leave me alone?

*Stefan let's go of her*

Katherine:Stefan,I love you.

*Damon vamp speeds towards Stefan*



Damon:Why are you here?

Katherine:Don't be like that.*she giggles*The trio is back together.*She looks at Damon*The brother who loved me too much and the one that didn't love me enough.*She looks at Stefan*

Damon:And the evil slut vampire that only loved herself.

Katherine:What happened to you Damon,you used to be so sweet and polite.

Damon:Oh that Damon died a long time ago.

Katherine:Good he was a bore.

Stefan:So you came to tell Damon,how much he changed.

Katherine:No not really,I came to finally earn my freedom and give Klaus the new doppelgänger of the Petrova line.Elena Gilbert.

*Damon scoffs*

Damon:Like we would let you.

*Katherine looks at Damon*

Katherine:I'm not asking,I will get my freedom.Just a matter of time.

Damon:She's a vampire.


Katherine:What?How long have I've been gone?

Damon:Seems like it's been pretty long.

Katherine:It's fine.Anyways,Stefan I've been watching you and it seems like you've gotten too close to some girl.And I can't let that happen.Sierra right?She's in for a treat.*Katherine vamp speeds away*

*Katherine gathers her vampire troop/team*

Katherine:Find Sierra Gilbert.She's probably the weakest of all.

*The vampires spread out as they vampire speed away*

Katherine:I'm coming for you.Gilbert B*tch!!!*Katherine begins walking away*


*Sierra goes to her backyard ,as a bush moves*

Sierra:Elena,is that you?Elena?

*The vampires sneak up on Sierra*

Girl:It's her.

*The girl jumps onto Sierra and bites her*

*Sierra turns around as her eyes turn yellow*

*Sierra bites her,and fights off the other vampires that come at her*

*There vampires come at her as one comes from behind,Sierra dunks the hit as one of the vampires hit the other*

*Sierra kicks the other vampire in the stomach and then bites her*

*Sierra breaths out of breath*

Sierra:Come on you want more?

*The rest of the vampires vamp speed away*

*Sierra breaths out of breath as she wipes the blood from her lip and goes back inside*

*Sierra falls onto her bed*

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