Chapter 8

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*Bonnie goes back home,then Elena goes to Damon's room.Caroline,Stefan,and Sierra watch a movie in the living room*

Caroline:I'm just so glad that you are okay.

*Sierra nods*

Stefan:I think she knows.

Caroline:Oh really,Stefan.Sorry I have feelings.

Sierra:Ok!!Caroline,I love you and thank you for asking that I'm fine.

Caroline:Told you.

*They laugh*

*Sierra goes to the kitchen*

Sierra:So,I've been watching a lot of cooking shows,So I may have learned something.What do you want me to make?

Stefan:Do you have animal skin to make?

Sierra:Something that's good for everyone?

Caroline:Too be honest animal skin is good for all of us here.

Sierra:I'll just make chicken and rice.

*Sierra begins making it*

*About 30-40 minutes later*

*Sierra sits the food on a plate*

Sierra:Ok,here you go.Rate my progress.*she smiles*

*They eat it.*

Sierra:Ok rating



Sierra:Don't be jealous care.The blood you be drinking isn't that good.

*Caroline scoffs as she laughs*


Sierra:Ok,thank you all for the honest rating.

*Sierra smiles as Stefan and Caroline roll their eyes*

Caroline:I have to go home.So see you later.



*Caroline leaves*

Stefan:Ok,so I decided that I'll train you.

Sierra:what??!seriously.thank you.*She hugs him*

Stefan:Training starts tomorrow at 8am sharp
.So gets some rest.

Sierra:Really,we were supposed to be friends.

*Stefan laughs as he walks away*

*Sierra goes to a room and sleeps*

Next morning



*Stefan walks to her room and finds her still sleeping*

Stefan:Wake up,training begins.You are late

*Sierra opens her eyes slightly*


*Stefan goes out then comes back in with a bucket of cold water.*

*Stefan pours the cold water on her*

Sierra:Holy Sh!t!!What the hell is wrong with you?


*Stefan leaves*

*Sierra shakes herself,trying to get the water out of her hair*

*Sierra dries herself then changes into her training bra and training leggings*

*Sierra goes downstairs*

Stefan:So first,you'll fight me to get the handle in other vampires then you'll fight Klaus to handle other hybrids.

Sierra:You guys have more training.

Stefan:It's not About the amount of training,it's about the amount of skill.Hit me.

*Sierra tries to hit him,then he flips her*

Stefan:Again,I won't go easy on you.

*Sierra tries to hit him,then he throws her on the floor*


*Sierra runs up to him,kicks his chest,as he falls to the ground she puts her hand in his chest,feeling his heart pound*

Stefan:You did it.Next Level.

*Sierra smiles,then the smile fades away*

Sierra:Wait there is another level.

*Stefan smiles as he opens the door and Klaus comes out*

Sierra:Are you serious?You want me to fight Klaus.He Will rip me to shreds.

Stefan:You can do it.You have to be able to fight hybrids like yourself.

*Sierra breaths in*

Klaus:Don't worry,love.I'll go easy on you.


*Klaus nods*

*Sierra nods*


*Sierra tries to kick Klaus,then he holds her leg and flips her*


Klaus:Are you okay,luv?


*Klaus holds his hand out for her to grab*

*Sierra grabs his hand then flips Klaus*

Stefan:Ok.One more round.

Klaus:Ok,I won't go easy.*his hybrid eyes beginning to show*

*Sierra does her hybrid eyes*

*Sierra tries to hit Klaus but he blocks the hits*

*Sierra tries to kick Klaus down but he grabs he foot*

*Sierra does a flip,releasing her foot from Klaus' hand*

*Klaus vamp speeds and snaps her neck*


Klaus:What?You said not to go easy.

*Stefan checks on Sierra*

Stefan:She'll wake up soon.Um,Training is over for the day.*Stefan picks up Sierra*

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