Chapter 1

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*First Stefan Love Story*

The Beginning

*Sierra knocks on the door*

*Elena opens the door*

Sierra:Aunt Jenna,finally let me come.


*Elena opens the door and lets her in*

*A half-naked man walks towards Elena as he kisses her cheek*

*Elena giggles*

*Sierra clears her throat*

Elena:Sorry,Stefan,this is my sister,Sierra.And Sierra this is my boyfriend Stefan.

*They shake hands*

Stefan:Nice to meet you

Sierra:Nice to meet you too.*Sierra smiles*

*Stefan smiles*

Stefan:Well babe,I should be getting home.

Elena:Oh okay,bye.

*They kiss*

*Stefan leaves*

Elena:Ready,for the first day of senior year.

Sierra:I am but I want to go to sleep,first.*She puts her hair in a messy bun*

Next Morning

*Sierra wakes up as she goes to the bathroom,then sees Stefan*

*Sierra,puts her hand on her eyes*

Sierra:Oh sorry,I didn't know you where here.I thought Elena would be sleeping.I didn't see anything......much.*Sierra begins to walk out as she bumps into the wall*Ow.!

Stefan:Are you okay?

Sierra:Mhm.*she walks out and shuts the door*

*Sierra goes into the other bathroom as she takes a shower*

*15 minutes later*

*Sierra puts on baggy jeans then a sleeveless white top,and a graphic jacket*

*Sierra goes downstairs and sees Elena cooking and Stefan sitting at the table*

*Aunt Jenna walks downstairs*

*Sierra looks at Stefan as she begging a walking towards the couch but bumps into Jenna*


Jenna:It's fine,Sierra.You okay?


*Stefan chuckles a little*

*A couple minutes later*

Jenna:Shouldn't you guys be getting to school.

Elena:Yeah,you're right?*Elena grabs her keys*Lets go.

*They drive to school*


Caroline:Let's go to a party after school.

Stefan:I don't think so.

Elena:Yeah same.

Sierra:I think it'll be a good idea.

Bonnie:So do I.

Caroline:Yay!!*the bell rings*

*They go to class*

*After class*


*Stefan brings Elena,Caroline,Bonnie,and Sierra drinks*

*They dance*

Elena:I'm going home,who's coming with me?

Matt:I'll come.

Elena:Ok?See you at home,Sierra.*They leave*

Caroline:I'm going for a b-*she looks at Sierra* -to the bathroom.*Caroline nods,as she leaves*

Sierra:That was weird.

Bonnie:Yeah.*Bonnie looks at Stefan*


*a couple hours later*

*Stefan gets a call*

*Stefan whispers to Bonnie*

Stefan:Elena's car went down wicker bridge.Damon found her and gave her his blood,she's a vampire.

*Bonnie whispers back*

Bonnie:We have to go.

Sierra:What are you guys whispering about?

Stefan:Let's just bring her.

Sierra:Bring me where?*Stefan grabs onto Sierra as he vamp speeds them*

Sierra:What the f*ck?Holy Sh!T!!What just happened?How did you do that?Oh my god!!!

Bonnie:Calm down.

Sierra:Calm down?I was here then I was there.Have I been drinking?Am I drunk right now?

*Stefan goes to Elena*

Stefan:Are you okay?

Damon:She is fine,Stefan.*Damon looks at Sierra*And who are you?

Elena:My sister.

Damon:You have a sister??

Sierra:Yep,me.Wait did you say my sister is a vampire??


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