Chapter 6

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Mikealson Ball Part 1

*Elena holds Damon and Sierra's hand as they walk into the ball as they hear the music playing*

*Stefan and Klaus look at Sierra as she walks in*

*They beginning to walk down the stairs*

Damon:May I have this dance?

Elena:Of course.

*They walk towards the dance stage leaving Sierra*

*Klaus walks towards Sierra*

Klaus:May,I have this dance,love?


*They beginning to walk towards the dance stage*

*Klaus puts his hand on her waist*

Klaus:Glad you came.

Sierra:Was there any doubt.

Klaus:Yes,a little.

Sierra:Well I did spend a lot of time shopping to be here.

Klaus:You didn't need to,you would've look beautiful in anything.

*Klaus smiles making Sierra smile*

*Klaus then twirls her but she falls in the arms of Stefan*

Stefan:May I have this dance?


*Klaus kisses her hand*

*Klaus begins to dance with Caroline*

Stefan:So since you are dancing with me,I'm convinced that you don't find me intolerable anymore.

Sierra:Oh I still hate you.I'm just tolerating you now.*Sierra smiles*

*Stefan chuckles*

*The music ends*

Stefan:Thank you for the dance Ms.Gilbert.

Sierra:Anytime Mr.Salvatore.

*Stefan laughs as Sierra laughs and they hug*

Caroline:Don't worry,they're just friends.

Klaus:Well there sure seems to be a vibe between them.

Caroline:Hmm.....*She looks at Sierra then at Stefan*

*With Sierra and Stefan*

Sierra:I'll be back.I'm just going for a bite.

Stefan:I can come if you want.

Sierra:I can go by myself.Just cause we are back to being besties again doesn't mean we have to be together all the time.

Stefan:Ice cold.*he smiles*

*Sierra laughs as she says under her breath*

Sierra:Yeah.*She walks outside as she transforms into a wolf and takes in the air,then she sees a vampire about to bite into a child and she runs and bites the vampire*

*The vampire screams*

*The sheriff runs then shoots at Sierra with wolfsbsne as she falls to the floor*

Sheriff:I found one.

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