Chapter 7

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Mikealson Ball Part 2

*Stefan walks over to Damon and Elena*

Stefan:Hey,have you guys heard from Sierra?


Elena:No,where did she say she was going?

Stefan:She said,she was going for a bite and that she'll be back.


Stefan:I'll call Caroline,maybe she's heard from her.*Stefan begins calling Caroline*

Elena:What did she say?

*Bonnie walks towards them*

Bonnie:Sierra just texted me this.

Text-$3452% -h39p1!

Bonnie:Do any of you know what it means?



Stefan:Let me look at it again.*he looks at it again*I think it says "Help!"at the end,but I don't know what the first 6 letters/numbers mean.

Elena:At least we know that she isn't safe.

Damon:So she could be dead by now.

*Caroline walks towards them*

Caroline:Ok,what happened?Why are you guys blowing up my phone?

Stefan:Sierra is missing.I don't know maybe we were thinking you heard from her.

Caroline:What?No,I haven't heard from her.How long has she been missing?

Stefan:For like a couple hours.

Caroline:I don't know,maybe we should call Klaus.He is crazy intimidating and he also is friends with Sierra so he could be of help.


Caroline:Come on Elena,It's our best hope.


*Stefan begins to call Klaus*

*With Sierra*

*Sierra is chained up with vervain and wolfs bane in the chains*

Sierra:I'm a hybrid.What are you going to do to me?

Boy:I'll figure it out.

Sierra:Come on you look young.What are you like 13?


Sierra:Sorry.Whatever.Can you just give me some water?I'm thirsty and I don't have blood right now.

*The boy looks at the water then at her*

Sierra:Come on,what am I going to do?I'm just thirsty.Please?

*The boy grabs the bottle as he holds it for her to drink*

*Sierra head bumps him then pulls her arms,screaming as the chains fall*

*Sierra begins walking away*

*The boy catches her foot*

Sierra:Don't do this,I don't want to hurt you.

*The boy trips her*

*Sierra gets ups and chokes him*

Sierra:I'm sorry*she bites him then vamp speeds away*

*Stefan,Klaus,Elena,Bonnie,Damon ,and Caroline find Sierra*

*Caroline bumps into Sierra*

Caroline:Watch it!!- Sierra,Oh my gosh.

Sierra:Caroline.*They hug*

*Caroline giggles*

*Sierra smiles then laughs looking at all her friends*

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