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Nova's POV

"I feel a bit nervous leaving her here with the babysitter!" daddy spoke

"Babe she will be fine, she will have a great time and we will only be gone for a couple of hours, we haven't had a date night since we had her." papa reassured.

Soon there was a knock on the door, papa answered it, then a girl walked in, shes a witch, witches have purple eyes.

She walked over to me and smiled" Hi nova, I'm Sue! We are gonna have so much fun! "

She effortlessly picked me up and placed me on her hip.

"Okay, here is money for the pizza, her bedtime is 8pm. We will be gone at 10 and if anything happens don't hesitate to call me. Have fun. Bye sweetie" Papa spoke, giving me a kiss on the cheek. Once they left, she walked with me into the living room and chucked me on the sofa.

"Ugh, can't believe I have to look after you!" she looked at me disgusted and turned the channel to a horror movie.

I just turned my head silently crying wishing daddy and papa was here.

She grabs her phone and starts calling someone.

"There gone. I'll text you the address" she hung up the phone and quickly texted the person she was talking too.

I climbed down from the sofa and quietly played with the barbies.


My tummy rumbled for the 10th time, I looked up at sue and she's still making out with her boyfriend, she got up and grabbed his hand, giggling dragging him upstairs.

I whine, rubbing my tummy I crawl to the kitchen and open one of the cupboards, I see a box of cereal and start eating it. I then put it back and crawl back to the living room and continuing to play with the barbies, I look up at the horror movie, wondering what's happened when a I see a scary man stab someone, I cover my eyes with my hands and quickly turn off the TV.


"Alright bedtime!" sue spoke, coming downstairs in a shirt and panties  and her boyfriend is walking down behind her. She picks me up and takes me upstairs and lays me into bed. She leaved the room without lifting the crib bars up.

I turned around and tried to find bow, then I realised I left him in the kitchen. I'll queitly make my way down and grab him, she won't even notice.

I quietly got out of bed and made my way to the top of the stairs, as I was about to take the first step down, my feet got tangled, so I ended up tripping over myself and fell all the way downstairs.

"What the fuck was that?!" I heard before closing my eyes.


James pov

It was just after 9, me and Liam were on our way to the car after our meal, we both decided to go home a bit eailer as we both miss our sweet Nova.

Liams phone rang, so he grabbed it and answered it.

"Hello, is everything okay?" he spoke

"H-Hi, um well Nova is at the hospital" sue nervously spoke

"What? Oh my god. Is she okay?!" Liam rushed to the car and we both got in and drove to the hospital.

"yes there currently taking a x Ray of her arm" she continued speaking nervously

"were on our way" he hanged up the phone.

As soon as we parked the car and we both rushed in and told the receptionist our daughters name and she told us what room to wait in and we saw Sue.

"What happened sue?" I spoke

She looked down at the floor "Well she got out of bed and played with her toys, so when I went to check, she just ran past me and down the stairs but she slipped" she looked up "I'm so sorry!"

"Don't be sue, that wasn't your fault, she knows she shouldn't be running in the house" I spoke, "Now go and make your way home, I'm sure your parents are worried."

Soon the doctor came out "Mr and Mr Parker?"

"Yes that's us!" Liam spoke

"Well she's fine, expect she has got a concussion and a broken arm, so she'll have to wear a plaster cast for about 8 weeks, so when she wakes up she can pick a colour she wants. She'll have to stay a week for her concussion to clear up. Would you like to visit her? "

" yes please!" I spoke and we make out way to her room.


Nova's POV

I slowly wake up to the blinding light above me, I whine, when I realise I'm not at home.

" Daddy! Papa!" I start crying

" Hiya baby!"

I turn my head and see them, I lift up arm and when I realised I only lifted one arm, I looked down to see my arm wrapped around this white bandage.

I start crying harder remembering what happened.

"I fell!" I sobbed

"I know baby!" papa carefully placed me on his lap and cuddled me.

"Bow?" I looked up at daddy.

"He's at home baby. I'll go and get him and some spare clothes and pj's and  diapers" he grabbed his keys and kissed me on the forehead.

"Before you leave can you ask for a spare one as she's already full! And grab some snacks and different food" papa spoke

Soon a nurse walked in with a diaper and some wipes, I slowly and carefully changed her diaper.

"Good girl baby! Well done."

Another nurse then walked in. "Hiya sweetheart, guess we gotta do? We have to put a colourful cast on your arm to make it all better!" she spoke

I nodded "Papa come?" I spoke

"Of course papa can come darling. First you gotta sit on this chair okay?" she spoke, she carefully picked me up and pushed me to the elevator, she pushed a  button and we made our way down and into another room.

With another doctor sitting on the chair "hiya darling!" she spoke "now let's get started"


Hey guys,

If there's any mistakes please let me know.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

What do you think is gonna happen next?

Will James and Liam find out sue lied?

Keep reading to find out.

Krazy k

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