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When I wake I'm not in the guest room anymore. I'm in his bed. He'd carried me over and tucked me in. Things like this said he was capable of caring but why wouldn't he even try to be nice to me? I sat up and had a little twinge of an ache in my hips but I liked it. He'd shown an emotion. At least it was something. I went for the bathroom and a shower then started to go to the guest room and get clothes. Stopping I looked at the closet. Had he moved more than me into the room. Going over I saw some of my clothes hanging there. The dresser was full of my clothes again as well. I looked around, my purse, laptop, it's bag, everything was here. I slipped into some clean jeans a tank top. I didn't bother leaving the room just settled onto the sofa in the sitting area with my laptop. I spent several hours just going through things getting ideas. The door popped open and Darius was there.

"How did you sleep?" he asked me.

"Deeply. Which is nice."

"I came to see if you wanted to come down for dinner."

"Yes." I stood and headed for him he was watching me closely.


"How do you feel?"

"I feel good." I say smiling and walking past him. I see the ghost of a smile as he turns and follows me down to the kitchen. Jane and Dawn are there just pulling plates out. Someone had ordered pizza. I laugh.

"Pizza. So not good for pregnant people."

"It's veggie at least." Dawn says. I laugh again.

"Veggie? Where's the pepperoni?" I ask laughing. Jane points to another pizza on the counter. I hear Darius chuckling behind me.

"Well she's a definite carnivore." Jane says. I grab four slices and plop at the table. I'm eating happily when I notice Darius watching me. I chuckle.

"What? I like pizza so sue me." he just chuckles and shakes his head.

"You are pregnant you need more than pizza. Tomorrow you should eat better." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll eat what I want. If you want me to eat something specific then you better fix it." Dawn and Jane were smiling at me.

"Wait you are pregnant?" Jane asks.

"Yes." I could see she was very surprised. Given we hadn't been sharing a bedroom I was sure she was wondering how this happened. Dawn was bouncing in happiness.

"That's wonderful." she started straight in about babies. I listened to her chat and told her what I'd been contemplating for the nursery. After we ate we went to the living room and talked some more.

"I'm going to run for a bottle of water you want one?" I ask Dawn as I stand from the couch. As I got near the kitchen I heard Darius and Jane talking.

"She seemed pretty happy about it." Jane says.


"I didn't realize you two were even together, given she's in a different room."

"She's back in the master suite again." he says.

"Alright, look it's not my business but what the hell is going on between the two of you."

"What do you mean?" oh he knew exactly what she meant.

"I mean, you two fight like..." hesitates and laughs, "Well like what you are, cats and dogs. She moved into a different room. Sure you two try for the united front for the pride, but we aren't stupid you two have been at odds since you brought her home. What is going on?" he sighs.

"It's complicated. Suffice it to say that I managed to fuck it all up and her attitude isn't helping. All we can do is keep moving forward and try to fix it." at least he cared to fix it. I stood tall and strode into the room and to the fridge to get some water. As I turn I see Jane smiling at me. Darius is watching me smiling as well.

"Okay crazy people, smiling for no reason will get you nowhere with me." I take my water and leave the room.

"So what did you do besides the pregnancy that has her so happy?" he chuckled.

"I lost my temper and fucked her senseless." he says. I kept walking . yep I had gotten emotion from him and I felt good. I wasn't going to question the why of it. Dawn and I chatted until she was falling asleep and I called Jane to carry her mate home. I headed up to the bedroom and got changed for bed. When he came in I was already in bed with my laptop looking at more baby things. He stripped to skin and slid into bed. He retch over and took my laptop from me and slid it to the floor.

"You said when I want you I should take you. Fine." he pulled until I scooted down. I couldn't help but smile as the predatory look in his eyes. He pulled my clothes from me and with sure hands seemed to search my entire body for something.

I moaned as his fingers found the folds between my legs and searched them as well. This was what I'd wanted, a man who was interested in my body as more than a sleeve for his cock. Flipping the blankets back he moved over and between my legs to lick and tease my clit until I broke. Sliding up my body he laid kisses over my skin until he reached my lips and kissed me deeply. Pulling back he retch to line up his cock and slid inside me easily. Why did it seems so easy now? Why did he feel so different? He laid kisses on my lips as he thrusted inside of my body. I moaned raggedly as I came.

He was so different as he loved my body and pushed inside of me. I lost the thought to wonder at the change as his hands skimmed over me again. I locked my legs around him as he pressed inside of me and came. He laid light kisses over my face and lips. It was like a totally different person.

"How do you feel?" he asks.

"With my fingers." I reply and get a snort from him. "I'm good. I'm tired. I need a bath but I'd probably drown." he chuckled and pulled me into his arms and closed his eyes. What had changed? What was going on? I didn't understand this change in him at all. I'd take it though.

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