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"So, puppy," I look up and over my shoulder Jane is leaning there against the short tree a few feet away. "You aren't very sturdy if a little loving lays you up for a couple days."

"You aren't very smart if you think it was little." I say snorting. That actually makes her laugh.

"Oh honey I've seen it," she leans down toward me and lowers her voice, "I've sucked it and fucked it." I felt jealousy roll through me. Not even thinking I reacted and launched myself at her. She was caught of guard and was down under me before she could even think to defend herself.

"Lets get this straight right now. He might be the absolute opposite of what I want in a mate but he's mine. If you touch I'll break your arms at the very least. I'll break your neck at the worst. I am his mate and I am Queen here." she struggles trying to flip me off. Giving up on that she wraps her legs around me and rolls me over but I hold tight and roll her over again and flip my body weight to send her into the tree. She's gasping for the air that was knocked out of her. Before I could finish the fight I'm lifted around the waist by my mate.

"I was gone thirty seconds, what the hell?"

"Just enforcing my position. Butt out, I'm not done with her yet." A female is sitting next to Jane as she finally starts to breath like normal. Jane looks up at me and starts to laugh which makes me mad.

"Damn, puppies got teeth. Wasn't really expecting that." she stands and steps up to me.

"We'll finish this fight in a couple days when we won't be interrupted. Get some rest puppy." she says and walks off. I sigh and look over my shoulder to Darius.

"You can put me down now." he sighs and juggles me till I'm bridal style in his arms. He goes to the lounger and lays me down then sits next to me. He waves Walter over.

"Will you grab her a full plate. I think I'll stay here," he looks at me, "Just in case." I ignore his tone and get more comfortable.

"One thing I'm going to get clear right now. If I so much as think, that you've kissed, touched, even thought about another woman in a suggestive way it's your ass I'm going to beat. I may not have picked you but your mine. People touch at their own peril." Darius looked between me and Jane.

"Is that what started that fight?" he laughed. "Jane doesn't want me. I can guarantee that."

"Why want what you've already had." My glare has no effect on him as he smiles and laughs again.

"I've never slept with Jane. What did she say?"

"She made a comment about me being weak if I was hurt by a little mating. I said she was stupid if she thought it was little. She said she'd seen it, sucked it, and fucked it." I pointed at him from top to bottom. "That is all mine now. I've got the claim mark to prove it." Still smiling he shook his head.

"I have never fucked Jane or anything else. I can safely promise never to do it either. For two reasons. One, she's gay, and two she's mated to a female who is already babying her." I followed the finger he was pointing and saw Jane being fussed over by a tiny little female who looked near to tears.

"So she was purposely baiting me?"

"Yes. I bet she gives you some more leeway though. You got her good a couple times." he shook his head at me. "Thirty seconds and you jump her. You are supposed to be down for two days. So stay down or I'll lock you in the bedroom." I growled but didn't argue with him. Walter brought me a very full plate and a bottle of water.

"Thank you Walter." he smiled and sat on the ground next to me. "You don't have to sit there, you can go mingle. I'm going to eat and relax."

"Alright just yell if you need anything." while I eat people come and introduce themselves to me. Then as dinner comes I'm brought another huge plate of food. Darius hadn't come back after leaving me once I'd eaten. Dark was setting in and I was starting to get tired. I wanted sleep, unfortunately I couldn't find my mate to get carried upstairs.

"Looking for something?" Jane asks as she steps up with her mate. The little female frowns and waves from Jane to me. Jane sighs.

"I apologize for my comment earlier. It was designed to piss you off. I just didn't think you'd get that pissed."

"Honestly neither did I. Who is this?" I ask smiling at the little female. Jane smiles and tucks her arms around her mate.

"This is Dawn, my mate. Dawn our new Queen, Ann."

"It's nice to meet you Dawn. I'm betting I see you a lot since you are mated to Jane."

"Not really, she likes being around the house." I sigh at Jane.

"Do you have to talk for her or are you just being an ass?"

"She's shy. When she warms up to you she'll talk for now I'll do it. Be nice or I'll forget your injured and beat your ass." Dawn gave Janes shirt a tug and frowned at her. "Hey it's my right to make sure she's nice to you."

"Yep, and it's your duty to follow orders, orders say to go get me cheesecake and leave Dawn here for me to talk to." Jane sighs but tucks Dawn onto a lounger next to me and walks away.

"She is totally head over heels for you isn't she?" I say watching Jane weave toward the dessert table.

"Yes." Dawn says quietly. "I'm not really what anyone would think of as a mate for a lioness but... she loves me. I didn't believe her at first. I didn't get attention from anyone at all. I'm a jaguar, but I'm not the typical self reliant jaguar like others of my kind. She saw me in town and followed me around till I agreed to go out with her. She's sweet and beautiful and didn't give up till I was totally in love with her. I haven't figured out how to tell her I'm pregnant." I stared.

"But she's a beta not an alpha. How did that happen?"

"I'm not sure. I talked to the doctor about it. She said it's rare but it's possible sometimes for a beta." yes it was a fact of were biology that a female, usually requires them be an alpha, can if they ejaculate when they orgasm into their mate they can get them pregnant. There's not a combination of females or males that won't get pregnant if they try. It's why we managed to stay alive through the dark ages and the salem craziness. "I just hope she doesn't think I cheated on her. It's why I've not told her yet." I see tears in her eyes. "I'm so scared she'll think I cheated on her." Jane picks that moment to come up.

"You got plain because... hey what the fuck did you do to make her cry." she dropped my cheesecake and dove at Dawn pulling her into her arms and cuddling her. "What did she say? I'll kick her ass. Please my little sunrise tell me what she said, I promise I'll make her apologize."

"I didn't say anything, it was you actually." Jane glares at me.

"What do you mean it was me?" I smiled at Dawn who nodded and grinned.

"well she was telling me how much you love her and she loves you and she's scared to death you'll think she cheated when she tells you she's pregnant." Jane stared at me for a few seconds before looking at her mate.

"But I'm a beta. That's an alpha thing."

"The doctor said it's really rare for beta's but it's possible. I swear, I've not been with anyone but you. I love you. You believe me right."

"Of course I believe you. I know how much you love me." Jane's brain is finally catching up. "You... your pregnant?" Dawn nods smiling a little watery. Jane scoops her up and spins her around getting everyone's attention. We're all laughing at her as Jane kisses all over Dawns face. "We're going to be mommies." she says over and over as she keeps spinning.

"Alright we get it she's pregnant." Darius says shaking his head. "Stop making her seasick and go get a drink to celebrate. She can have juice." Jane carries her mate off. The party that had been winding down gets going again. It goes long enough I find myself waking in Darius' arms.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To bed. You were asleep in the chair." he lays me on the bed and gets my pajamas for me then takes his pillow goes tot he sofa and pulls a sleeper bed out of it.

"Uh, your going to sleep over there?" I ask confused.

"Yes. Doc said two days so I'm going to sleep her to avoid temptation. Go to sleep." I have to admit that is sort of nice of him. I'm so exhausted from the day that I slip right to sleep and sleep good only waking once to Darius' loud snoring before going back to sleep. 

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