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I get out fresh clothes and get in the shower. I try not to let the emotions get to me but... he didn't want me, no matter how hard I would try he'd never want me the way he wanted Alan. I sank to the floor of the shower and started to cry. I cried because I was stuck in a loveless mating with no way out. I had wanted loved. It's why I had run so hard to be free. I wanted to be loved and now I was stuck here with no hope of ever being loved by my mate. The only thing I had was that I'd have babies and they'd love me even if their father wouldn't or couldn't. The bathroom door popped open and Darius came in.

"Fool woman." he says pushing the glass aside and turning the water off. He grabs my towel and wraps it around me.

"Go away." I say tugging from his arms. "What are you doing in here?"

"I was in my office downstairs. I told you I'd be there. You seem to have forgotten I can feel you since we're claimed." I had forgotten. Oh god. He'd felt everything I had since after dinner last night. I cut it off and slammed the link between us closed. I slapped at his hands.

"Stop it, leave me alone, go away. If your not here with a pregnancy test or to make me need one go the fuck away." he sighed heavy and stepped back.

"What do you want from me, I've never lied about what I wanted, or why I wanted it so why does it feel like your punishing me for it."

"Me punish you. You told me to my face I was basically a kept whore for you."

"I did not. Don't twist what I said."

"You said I was a tie to my father, and body to fuck and have kids. You didn't want anything else from me. Fine." I dropped the towel and started pulling on clothes, "You got what you wanted. I want to be Queen. I'll be Queen and you can fuck me and spoil our babies all you want. I'll stay out of your way you stay out of mine. By the way you want to fuck me you come to me. I don't want to step on the memory of your precious Alan." I saw him deflate a little.

"I heard you met a bear today."

"how did you hear that?"

"Their alpha called to remind me that our deal says no closer than fifty feet from the border. You were closer."

"I apologized to him, tried to be nice and quickly left."

"So he said." he turned for the door and didn't say another word before closing the door and leaving me alone. Just sat straight down on the floor and cried. I didn't bother with lunch or dinner I was too wrung out to want to eat. I just crawled into my bed and went to sleep. I woke late at night got up used the bathroom snuck down for a bottle of water and went back to bed. Laying in my bed I stared at my ceiling. I couldn't wallow like this. This was my life. I wasn't the girl he waited around. I was the girl who saw something needed done and got it done. The pride needed a queen to freshen them up and get them to move forward not just stagnate. I'd get the new schedule going. Then I'd pay a personal visit to every pride member. I'd go to see every business we owned. I'd find out what they needed and I'd get it done. A new purpose lay before me. I got out my paper and schedule and worked on the patrols.

By dawn I had it ready to go. I took a PDF screen shot and emailed it to everyone. I took a new shower got out fresh clothes and headed for the kitchen. I ate cereal, drank my juice and went to find Darius. He was in his bedroom dressing. I stayed in the hall even after be beckoned me in. I wouldn't take another step in his bedroom. He wanted Alan's memory preserved so be it.

"Yesterday I saw that their were ATV's I assume that I could use one to visit pride on our land?"

"Yes. The keys are in them. Just sign it out with your destination and time you left so if you don't show up later someone knows when you left and where you were going in order to look for you. Who are you visiting?"

"I'm going to start with Lisa. Since she's expecting she's the most delicate and I want to make sure she's doing alright. I've got a list and a tentative time table for today I'll stick it on the fridge so you'll know where I am. I'll be back for dinner unless someone asks me to stick around for it. I'll text if I'm not going to make dinner. Have a nice day." I turned and headed for the kitchen. After leaving the page on the fridge I headed for Lisa. She was surprised but happy to see me. I spent several hours getting to know her and making sure I was up to date on her health and the baby. As well as anything they might need for the future. After her I went up my list from those I felt were in more of a need for assistance to those that were just fine but I wanted to get to know. I did end up getting invited to stay for dinner and text Darius to tell him. When I got back to the main house I saw no one as I went up changed and got into bed.

For the next week everything went just fine like that. I was getting to know my new pride well. It seemed like they were really starting to like me. Even Jane when I ran into her seemed to be less hostile. It wasn't the life I'd wanted but it was a life I thought could make me content if not happy. In my search for being a good queen I'd forgotten that I might be on the way to be a mother. I was currently sitting in my bathroom, it was after dinner one week, to the day, after he'd claimed me. Was I pregnant by him. Would we at least have a baby to bridge the gap between us? My phone alarm went off and I stood from the toilet to go look at the test on the counter. I had thought about it long and hard and I wanted to be pregnant. If this was negative I'd encourage him to visit so I could have a baby. At least in that I'd have what I wanted. I felt sadness go through me. It was negative. I should tell Darius. Getting out my cell I text him to come to my bathroom please. I knew he was in his bedroom working at his desk before going to sleep. He came in a couple minutes later. I said nothing but handed him the test.

"It's negative. I guess we'll just have to keep trying. Like I said if you want to you'll have to come to me. It's late tonight but feel free to visit." he says nothing just nods and goes back to his room. I was tempted to open my link to feel what he was feeling but I'd kept it closed since the night we'd argued in my bedroom and I'd slammed it shut. I kept it shut now. No matter what I might learn I didn't want him in my head again. I slid into bed and got out my phone. Dad and I had kept a steady texting session every night. We got caught up with each other. I told him about the negative test and assured him that we'd keep trying. I hadn't let on to him about what life with Darius had really turned out like. I let him believe that we were a reasonable couple and that I really thought it had promise. I wasn't sure what dad would do if he realized what it was really like between Darius and I. he was sad for me but encouraging that we'd have a baby when it was time. I agreed and after a little talking said goodnight. I was laying in bed thinking about babies when my bedroom door opened again. Darius stepped in and shut the door. He was in his sweat pants.

Was he here to visit then? He sat on the edge of the bed. His face was closed to me. I scooted over and lifted the blanket. What would he do? he shucked his pants and underwear and slid into the bed. He'd been abrupt and rough as we'd mated during the run. How would he behave now? His hands slid to the bottom of the tank top I had on and pulled it from me. His hands peeled my shorts and panties from me. His hands didn't stay still on my sides but caressed and made my body thrum. His mouth went to my neck and sucked at our claim mark. Desire speared through me. I was instantly wet and my hands clutched at him. He rose over me and with a sure push was deep inside me. I was more than wet for him. He kept working my mark making me moan and pant under him as he moved inside me and made me cum. I just held tight as he came inside of me. But just like the night we claimed during the run, he stayed with me. Soon he was ready to go again and he was back making me cum again. Six seemed to be the magic number I realized as he rolled to side after that. He laid there for a few minutes then he stood gathered my clothes he had taken from me and helped me redress. He put his own clothes on and then tucked me in before leaving quietly.

It had been pleasurable but there hadn't been any real emotion to it. He'd shown care in undressing me, making sure I was ready first, then redressing me and tucking me in but, it was all... almost clinical in a way. I felt tears spring to my eyes. I wasn't sure I could do this. I wanted more. I wanted pleasure and desire to make us desperate for each other because that's where we want to be, with each other. It was foolish at this point but I wanted to be loved. 

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