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A little while turned to a week. I'd been happily floating through my days. With Lisa back at home and doing well I focused on the house and trying to figure out where to put the nursery. Given Alan had been pregnant I'd assumed that they had one, at least started. But there wasn't one. I wanted them near me. So I was contemplating the guest room next to me.

"What are you doing?" I hear and jump.

"Uh, measuring the room." I say letting the tape measure retract. Darius raised an eyebrow.


"Because I need to know how big it is."

"Yes I'd assume so but why do you need to know that?" I debated and decided to tell him. After all I couldn't hide it forever.

"Because we need a nursery and this room is connected to mine so it'd be easiest." he frowns.

"Do we really need one or are you just planning ahead?"

"No, we need one." he stared for a second then scooped me up to twirl me around.

"That's great." he was grinning widely. I'd never seen him so happy before. He stopped spinning. "How long have you known?"

"A week." I admitted. A frown met that reply.

"Why didn't you tell me? You are happy to be pregnant aren't you?"

"Yes. Tell you the truth I was sort of hording the knowledge. I'll have to share them now. I wanted to have them all for me just for a little while."

"I can understand that. But you should take it easy now that your pregnant. I'll call Walter he'll come help you rearrange the room and help you decorate. You should move back to the master suite so I can keep an eye on you. We can use your room for the babies room and this one for a play room. Wouldn't that be better?" I shrugged.

"Yes but I'd prefer to stay in my room."

"Why? We spend our nights together anyway. You should just be in the master suite with me. It'd be easier." I struggled until he let me down.

"I don't want to take his place. I'm not him or some substitute. I'm going to stay in my room until you truly want me in your room with you. Want me, not someone to sleep with and pretend it's him." I head for my room. I wanted to get my laptop and start planning a theme for the baby.

"I've never gotten you and him confused. You could never be some substitute for him."

"it's hard to be a substitute for someone who was from all accounts a saint. I'm far from that. You don't think of me at all let alone a saint."

"Alan was no saint."

"Are you sure? Everyone seems to think he was. He took care of everyone perfectly. He was the perfect care taker, cook, queen, even lover. I'm a decent care taker, an alright cook. No one has complained about me being Queen, note even Jane. I'm obviously a poor lover. Maybe you shouldn't have wanted to get me pregnant. I'll have babies who are just as imperfect as I am. Won't that be a disappointment? But just think now that I'm pregnant you don't have to force yourself to have sex with me." he was scowling.

"I've never said anything about being a poor lover. Why would you think you are?"

"Oh I don't know, perhaps it's the cold clinical way we have sex. Maybe it's that you don't even kiss me. The rest is lacking so why try to kiss me. Maybe it's the way you have to play on my claim mark instead of actually touching me. You spend the least amount of time as you can with me. But I'm pregnant now so no reason to come tonight." I sat down in the chair in my room and opened my laptop. He stood there watching me as I pulled up Amazon and started looking at baby things. He snatched my laptop and tossed it on the table next to me. "Hey." he pulled me from the chair and kissed me. I shoved hard to make him back up. "What are you doing?"

"Kissing you." he pulls me in and kisses me again. I shove and make him break the kiss.

"Leave me alone. I don't care what your trying to prove. Go away." he gave a growl and grabbed me up to toss me onto the bed. He followed jerking his shirt off his body. His mouth found mine and pressed in a harsh kiss. I opened my mouth to bite him but his tongue went in and if felt heat spear through my body. A kiss. A real honest to god kiss with emotion. Sure it was anger mostly. There was the heat of desire, but it was anger that was controlling him. He pulled back to jerk my clothes from me. Then he threw his clothes away.

"I have never confused you for anyone else. Not your mind, your manner or anything else. You'd never let me think you were anything less than what you are. It's infuriating when I'm trying to talk to you and that edge you have cuts back into me. Yes I kept our love making cold and detached." he tells me as he holds himself above me on all fours. "I kept it that way to keep that razor tongue away from me. You didn't want me anymore than I wanted you at the beginning. Your ran because it was demanded of you. I forced you to submit because I needed you as my mate. Your fool heart is what is hurt by it. Why because you want love? Is that why you wanted to run from me. You weren't going to submit because of some reason. Did you want free to find love?" he waited. I didn't want to answer, it did sound kind of childish in a way when said like that.

"Answer me." he demanded.

"Yes. I wanted love. My parents loved each other dearly and mated for love. You mated for love. Most everyone I know did. I was forced to run, why, because I didn't find it right after high school. It was taking me longer to find someone who loved me. Now I'm stuck with you. If I can't have love from you I want passion. I want you to come to me because you can't go without touching me for a second longer. Not because you want me pregnant."

"I came to you like I did in hopes that you'd have the time to wear off your own rough edges. I took you harshly for your first time in those woods because I got ticked that you weren't submitting. I'm a rough lover you didn't seem to like it so I gave you what I could muster instead."

"A robot. You had sex with me like I was a fuck doll to scratch the itch. Don't want me to have decent loving or are you incapable of it?" he jerked back and turned me over pulling my hips back and over my legs. Bending over me he felt his position his cock at me entrance.

"This is what I'm capable of." he shoved inside of me. Finally some emotion. It wasn't the soft loving I wanted but at least it wasn't emotionless anymore. He curled his arms around me grabbing handfuls of my breasts and kneading. His mouth went over my neck as he rocked his hips rolling his cock in and out of me. I couldn't help the moan. No it wasn't soft but it was working for me. He pulled out abruptly and rolled me back over. He scooted down settling between my legs his mouth to my pussy and began to suck and tease. I broke easily. He came back up pressing his cock inside me again and roughly thrusting inside of me. My mouth was devoured by his again. Looping my arms under his and then back up over his shoulders I kept him close and returned the rough kiss. It wasn't the quick cumming and repeat this time. He kept his pace through countless orgasms of mine then groaned as he lost control and filled me with his hot cum.

It took me more than a couple minutes to feel my body again. I had to struggle to unlock my legs from around him and drop them, letting him go. My arms flopped to the bed. Even though I'd let go he didn't move.

"If you can't love me then give me passion instead. Don't wait till I'm in bed and give me a robot. Take me when you want me, take me rough, I don't care but show me an emotion." he tips my face up a hair and kisses me, almost delicately. I see a whirl of emotion in his eyes.

"Alright." he pulls from inside me and rolls to the side. "On the condition you move back to the suite. It's where you belong and I don't want to worry about you, pregnant, somewhere else. My queen should share my bed."

"Fine." I didn't want back in there. I wasn't sure he really wanted me there but I'd go in hopes I'd get more than a detached mate. We lay there together silently. I felt myself slip toward sleep. Turning into his side I sigh as warmth wraps around me and go into a deep sleep.

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