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I'm taken to what I assume is the master suite. It was huge. A king size bed, a small sitting area, a office area, and doors to a walk in closet that was open. It wasn't even half full of his things. The bathroom he took me into had a corner whirlpool four people could have fit it. A shower stall that looked meant for three people at least. A vanity and sink that was just as over the top. All of it done in pearl stone. The walls were a soft dove gray. The floor was a hair darker than the tub and stall. The tub had already been filled. He stood me carefully next to the tub and took the blanket from around me before picking me up again and laying me in the tub.

"Soak here. I'm going to get your bags and make sure the trucks been moved." reaching over the tub he pulled at the mirror there and it swung open and around to lay flat against the wall revealing bath products. Shampoos', soaps, shaving things, anything you'd need for a full spa bath. "Use what you want. Rags are behind you on the edge of the tub if you want one." I nod. He leaves not even looking back. Looking over the products I pull out a bottle of body wash that said Orchid scent on it. I washed and rubbed making my tired muscles feel better. Washing between my legs made me whimper. It hurt. He hadn't been easy at all. Had be been like that with Alan? If he'd mated with him by choice he must have cared for him and I didn't think anyone would treat someone they genuinely loved like I'd been treated. I kept washing, as I did the water turned a dark pink color from my blood. I didn't want to sit in bloody water so I carefully stood and stepped out. Grabbing a towel from the wall I started drying. I wondered if he had pads? I started rummaging through and found that lots of brand new feminine things were stocked. I pulled out a pad and remembered, it wasn't my bedroom, I didn't have my suitcase yet. Had he brought it up perchance?

Looking out I see that indeed both of my bags were on the foot of the bed. I hurriedly got some underwear and went back to the tile before I could bleed on his nice white carpet. I stuck the pad on and went back to get clothes. It was slow going since every swing of my legs made my vagina hurt. I pulled on some leisure pants and put on bra and tank top. I didn't worry about shoes, most Were's didn't bother when they were around home. Like it or not this was home now. Where was Darius? Would he care if I just headed down on my own? It had been awhile. I shrugged I wasn't the wait for direction kind of girl. I was the this needs done so I'm going to do it kind of girl. So I headed out of the room and back tracked down stairs and toward the sound of people.

"You can't name her queen, it's against pride rules for an outsider to be queen." a female voice says as I get close to what I was pretty sure was the kitchen.

"It was what she demanded in recompense."

"Recompense for what?" a male asked.

"I didn't wait for her puppy to submit willingly. I forced her to submit and mated with her. You all could smell the blood on her I'm sure." Darius told them. "I'd rather not but it's what she demanded and I'm required to go along with it. If I don't the Shaman can actually cause trouble. So we'll let her have the title and go on with our lives like normal." that made it sound like he wasn't really going to let me be Queen in truth just name. Oh hell no. I stepped around the corner frowning.

"I'll have more than the title. I'll have the respect and responsibility that the position is given." I say bringing everyone's eyes to me. Darius heads for me.

"What are you doing down here? The doctor said down for twenty four hours. You were supposed to wait upstairs for me to carry you down. Your hurt enough."

"I know, your the one that hurt me. You didn't say to stay there until you came back so I came down when I'd washed and dressed."

"Fool woman." he says scooping me up and sitting with me in his lap.

"Why am I in your lap?" I ask trying to stand up.

"Because we have very hard wooden chairs in here and it'll hurt if I just stick you on one. Sit here and don't' complain about it." I sighed and let that go to get back to the important thing.

"I will be queen in truth not just the title."

"If you want it you have to prove it and earn it. That's the way prides work. I can name you queen in title only. You will have to enforce your rank, or win them over in some way in order to be queen in truth. Your responsibilities are whatever you want them to be. The only one that is given to you without debate is, you are in charge of the patrols on the border. I am king and keep after the males who are enforcers and warriors. You are queen and handle security on the border, and here at the main house. The females are the one's who run patrols. Any who are pregnant are obviously exempt but we also allow any female who is actively trying to get pregnant to remain as house guard where they are less likely to have to fight. Patrols fight routinely, usually with the bears. Any questions so far?" he asks.

"Do I have full autonomy over it or will you have to okay things?"

"I keep my nose out of it unless a complaint about patrols is brought to me by someone then I'll ask you about it. But unless that happens what you say reguarding them is the way it is. Jane," he pointed to a female leaning against the sink. She had brown hair and light gold eyes. Eyes that were currently glaring at me, "Is my second and has until now been over anything that might be Queen's purview. As I said in the car and as you can see, she's not so happy to have a puppy to bow to. I can't make her submit to you. You have to, but I'm putting a pin in it for the two days the doctor said then you two can get all clawed up about it." Jane smiled at me, though it was more a bearing of teeth then a real smile.

"Oh goody, and by the way stop calling me a puppy." he raised an eyebrow.

"It's what you are."

"I am a dog, a very pretty husky thank you very much. If you must, then you can say pup, but I am not a puppy. Puppy's are those things that bark at you and pee on your rugs. We don't even call our kids puppies. They are pups." I saw the flick of amusement in his eyes.

"What ever you say puppy." he says turning his eyes away from me. Now he was doing it on purpose to annoy me. "Walter here has graciously volunteered to serve as your guide and encyclopedia of Lion Pride knowledge. He'll follow you around for a few days until you are up to speed and can hold your own." I smiled at Walter.

"Thank you." the young man smiled back.

"For tonight we're just going to grill out and you can meet your new family." he stands with me in his arms. I grab for his shirt. He snorts. "I won't drop you puppy. Though I might be tempted."

"Don't call me puppy."I growl at him. The back yard is full of men women and kids. Darius takes me to a lounger near the grill and sits me down carefully.

"The doctor said down so if you need something ask."

"Just get me some food and a couple beers and I'll be happy."

"No alcohol." he tells me.

"What why not?" I ask darting to sit up as he starts to walk off.

"Because you might be pregnant and forget coffee in the morning. You aren't getting that either."

"Dictator. I may not be pregnant you know. You might not be that good."

"I'm that good but even if I missed going without for a couple days won't kill you. Two day restriction will also give us the couple days to know if your pregnant. I already have tests in the bathroom. Sit still and don't be a pain." I growl as he strides away.

"Controlling bastard." I mutter under my breath.

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