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I woke the next morning with a killer headache. I sat up and dragged from bed. This room had a bathroom shared with the next guest room. I went in and took a shower. i ignored the heavy feeling in my body and went down to find food. The house was empty. I ignored it and ate some cereal and drank some juice. I ignored the deep desire for coffee. I was going to take my run around the borders. Nearly having a heart attack when I walk out the back door and find Walter.

"Hi." he says smiling at me.

"Hi. I didn't know you were around."

"I was trying not to bother you. You seemed a little annoyed this morning so I stayed out here. Darius wanted me to be of help so here I am. Were you going out?"

"I want to runt he border and see my new home. Want to be my guide?"

"Sure." he says popping up from where he sat on the steps. We strolled leisurely around the border after shifting to our shapes. I felt really small next to Walters full size lion. He told me about the area and things as we walked. I felt him get a little nervous as we passed over a creek.

'What's wrong?' I ask him.

'From here the next several miles is the bear border." Bear, Alan. The dead man I was replacing. I let the thought go before I got upset. 'Did you know Alan?"


'What was he like?' I ask. Why was I torturing myself with this?

"He was sweet and fun. He loved the kids and took being queen seriously. Even Jane loved him and she doesn't have a lot of use for people.'

'What about Darius, how was he with Alan?' Walter gave me a look but answered me question.

'He was... a lot like he is now but he had this softer side. He was quicker to laugh and blow of responsibilities to spend the time with Alan instead. Why are you asking?'

'Because I seem to find myself standing in the shoes of a dead man. I didn't want this position, he won me, he put me here and now he's punishing me for it.' I say. I growl and it's cut off by a bellow and a bear rushing toward us. Walter steps in front of me but he's not knocked aside the bear bellows and scuffs it's feet.

'You are to close to our border.' the bear says angrily.

'That is my doing. I wanted to see the border.' I say stepping around Walter.

'Who the hell are you?'

'I'm Ann, I'm the new lion queen. For a whole two days now.' my attempt at being funny fell flat.

'New Queen? We weren't aware he was looking for a new one.'

'Well he wasn't really looking. But he's not getting younger and needs an heir so here I am. He won my on my mating run.'

'You don't sound very pleased with that.'

'Oh I'm not but it's my life now and I want to do a good job for me new people. I was told of Alan. I'm sorry for the loss the Bears suffered. I hope that my presence doesn't bring up old pain.'

'Pretty slick talk for a puppy.' I sighed.

'Please don't call me puppy. My name is Ann feel free to use it. I'll apologize for getting so close to the border. Walter and I will move on so that we aren't near anymore. Have a good day.' we moved on and the bear let us. As we hit the border with my father I smiled. I knew this part of the woods. We'd had little interactions with the bears because a river separated us. I knew where the patrol would be and made Walter crouch and wait for them with me. I give a growl and jump out at them.

'Gotcha.' I say and roll over laughing as the two nearly fall over backwards in surprise.

'Ann? Jeez girl scare us to death. So much for a responsible lion queen.' Brent says.

'I'm responsible. Responsible for making you nearly wet yourself. How's dad?'

'Already missing you. He ranted for two hours yesterday about how he should have tried harder to get you out of the run. But he really thought no one would be able to catch you.'

'I thought no one would catch me. But hey I'm living good as a queen. Hot sexy mate, welcoming people. It's not too bad.'

'Who is your friend?' Zach asks looking at Walter behind me.

'oh this is Walter. Walter these two fluffy pups are the twins Brent and Zach.'

'It's nice to meet you. We're so happy to have her. The pride already loves her.'

'Good, no give backs.' Zach teased. 'Got a message for your dad?'

'Yes, tell him I know he didn't lose my number so give me a call when he has a few minutes.'

'Right. We got to go on. Hope to see you again soon.' we went on and I felt a little homesick. Even more so when we got back to the main house and reality of my new life intruded.

"Thank you Walter for the tour. I'm going to go up take a shower and work on the new patrol schedule. You can go have some fun if you want or just hang out here."

"I'll go to the living and watch the big screen." I nod and head upstairs. 

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