How clingy are they?

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((as compensation for my months of silence, have a bit of extra content, my treat~😘 because I am oH sO BeNeVoLeNt AnD kInD -cough-))

INCREDIBLY. Like seriously, this man has no chill. If he can be glued to your side, he will be, at least until he gets distracted and wandered off.

More so then Luffy, but not quite the way you would think. Sanji is clingy for sure and wants to stay at your side, but if he gets to close for to long, there is the risk of him bleeding on you, and he does like breaking away from you to do things for you like cooking or fighting.

Hardly at all. While Zoro is sleeping, he likes to keep you close by both for his own comfort and your protection. He's just defensive like that. When he's awake though, he'd rather just keep an eye on you, he's not one for public displays of affection.

Even less then Zoro. Due to his past, Law is a bit distant, even with you. He sometimes tugs you to sit in his lap, and it's been getting to the point he has a hard time sleeping without you. He will deny it if you call him out for it.

Kid is.. a stranger case. Depending on the day, it can change quite a lot. When he's happy, he's attached to you, sad, he practically hides from you, angry, he clings to you to calm down, livid, he vanished until he gets back in a calmer mood.

Average. Quick hugs or kisses while passing each other, hiding his face in your back at night. Nothing to clingy, but definitely not distant either. That being said, he isn't used to affection either, so it might grow a bit as time goes on.

Mister Anti-Clingy. Smoker has a reputation to uphold, and pride to defend. He will actively avoid physical contact, especially in public. Even in private, he gets easily embarrassed. He does still prefer to keep you in sight. He claims it's just for your protection, but in reality, your presence just brings him comfort.

Casually Clingy™ Similar to Killer, he makes contact with you every time you are close enough. He doesn't even know he's doing it half the time. Also similar to smoker, he tries to keep you within eyesight if you aren't at home. He's worried for your safety, given his status.

You know Luffy? Add 6. Shanks ADORES being close to you. The only difference is that he won't get distracted and wander off, instead, he will pick you up and bring you along. He gets really whiny in the mornings to, He just doesn't want to be alone..

Not clingy. Possessive. He likes to keep you close, usually sat on his lap, mostly for the status of it. Having someone as beautiful as you at his side boosts the way he looks to outsiders, as well as announces your standing in the family do you don't get mistaken for someone of  lower importance. Outside of that, he isn't to clingy.. unless he gets jealous. Then he might not put you down..

Shockingly similar to Zoro. During the day, he keeps his distance for various reasons. To hide your roll as his lover, to protect his reputation for being cold hearted, to stop Doflamingo from finding out who you are.. but at night, when he is worn out and just wants to relax, he does the complete opposite, keeping you close to his chest unless you have one hell of a good reason for him to let you go.

Ace is a funny one. He tries very hard not to be to clingy in fears that you might leave, but he breaks down fast, especially if something startles him. He's a touchy person by nature, he really can't help it. You had best be prepared to be a pillow for the narcoleptic man. All his self control goes out the window the second he closes his eyes.

It depends.. Sabo has two modes. Work and home. He tries very hard to keep those two things apart. Broadcasting his love life could put you at risk! He couldn't possibly! Behind closed doors though.. 9 times out of 10, he will be right behind you with his face in your neck and arms around your waist. It relaxes him. :3

Marco isn't clingy, but he isn't to distant either. If you initiate contact, he certainly won't pull away, but he will probably no initiate it himself. He enjoys the contact, it's just not something he thinks about to much.

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