Metalic Air

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Look at your man

Now back to me

Now back at your man

Now back to me

Sadly, he isn't me.

But he could smell like me

With my new pattonted bottle of oil, grease, and ocean water, Metallic Air.

Garenteed to have you smelling like a real pirate in no time flat.

Look down

Back up

Your on a ship with the man your man could smell like

Look up

Now at your hands

It's two log poses pointing straight to the one piece

I rode a dinosaur once


But you are my man.. Killer.. How much has he had to drink exactly?


Can't say I know (Y/N), he's your man, you keep track of him.. I think he's astral projecting... Are we sure what he drank was booze..?

(AN): Hey y'all! I know it takeing a long time for me to update, but I have a very good excuse, here me out. I am very lazy and black butler is stealing my free time. That's it, that's the excuse, great right? Anyway, I can't make any promises for regular updates, but it will continue getting them periodically.

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